


En résumé

Young professional with several successful experiences on various positions, from being a University Lecturer to being a European project developer/manager & grant writer, I am currently looking for a new challenging full-time position in the field of educational and vocational training project development and management. (specialized in Erasmus+ projects)

Mes compétences :
Animation d'équipe
Affaires publiques européennes
Gestion de projets internationaux
Traduction anglais français


  • Ecole Lyonnaise d'Esthétique Appliquée - Business Management and English teacher

    2014 - 2015 Business Management and English teacher for High School students preparing a professional Baccalauréat and Certificate in the field of Aesthetics-Cosmetics-Perfumery.
  • Université Lumière Lyon 2 - EU Funds and Policy external speaker / Accountancy teacher

    Lyon 2014 - 2014 - EU Funds and Policy external speaker for students in their professional BA's final year in the field of Management and Accountancy of NGOs.

    - In charge of the Accountancy seminars for 1st year students of the "Business and Social Management" BA.
  • European Development Agency s.r.o, Prague, Czech Republic - European Project Manager

    2014 - maintenant My main duties include international projects development, writing and management. This goes along with the preparation and running of training courses on various topics related to adult education & development through EU funds.

    I am additionally in charge of project's partner searching and assisting in the agency's partner network management, as well as occasionally representing the Agency during international business and project meetings.

    Finally, I recently had the opportunity to call on my creativity in order to develop two internal management tools, which have already been implemented in the company's system.

    Successful grant application:
    Innovation in Catering and Tourism; a European Approach.
    Erasmus+ KA2, Strategic Partnership for school education,
    247k €

    Pending application:
    4E Project: Education & Employment of Elderly in Europe.
    This Erasmus+ KA2 project aims at improving the professional re-insertion of persons aged 50+ on the labour market through various innovative training modules that will be developed as part of the project activities.
  • Cours du Rhône - 1 on 1 English teacher

    Lyon 2013 - 2014 English teacher in1 on 1 lessons, from beginner to advanced level: academic, business and professional English.
  • Djuringa Juinors; and LEC company - Camp counsellor and Linguistic trip manager

    2010 - maintenant Camp counsellor of leisure trips as well as linguistic trip manager abroad for French teenagers, for various companies and non-profit organisations. My duties included being responsible of the safety and well-being of teenagers, being on call 24/7, organizing and running activities & visits, interpreting when necessary, liaising with host families and teachers, being in charge of the budget.
  • Imprimatur Ltd, Translation Agency, Godalming, UK - Language Technician

    2010 - 2010 Three-months work experience as a language technician.

    My duties included liaising with translators & clients, creating & updating translation memories & dictionaries, proofreading translated documents.


  • Université Lyon 2 Lumiere

    Lyon 2013 - 2014 Master 2 Professionnel Droit Public "Action et Coopération Economique des Collectivités Territoriales en Europe"

    Professional Master Degree in Public Law, specialised in the Promotion of European & International partnerships between Local Authorities, This Programme covers European & Comparative Public Law, Project Management, Public Finances, European Community Programmes, policies and legislation, Languages.
  • Aberystwyth University Of Wales

    Aberystwyth 2012 - 2013 Master's Degree in Public Law

    Passed with merit, Erasmus exchange year.

    This programme covered International Law, Comparative Public Law, English Administrative Law, European Law ans Institutional Communication.

  • Université Lyon 2 Lumiere

    Lyon 2011 - 2012 Bachelor’s Degree in Economic and Social Administration

    Minored in General and Territorial Administration.

    This programme covered a wide range of courses, such as Accountability and Management Control, Local Authorities Law, Project and Organisations Management, Database development, Geographic Information System and Public Economy.


Annuaire des membres :