
Mansour NDIAYE


En résumé

Expert en microfinance, Directeur de ASCODEV Sarl microfinance. Expert consultant en systeme d'information de gestion, master trainer pour Cif/bit sur le cours Making Microfinance Work, personne ressource et formateur du CGAP, specialiste en finance islamique.
Homme politique, President de l'Union pour la Democratie et la reforme ( UDR/dooley yaakaar).
Financial expert, specializing in microfinance institutions installation, network commissioning, Certified trainer and resource person CGAP (Consultative Group to Assist the Poor), Certified trainer with ILO in Making Microfinance Work, it has completed more than 14 years of experience in the microfinance sector. It is also CGAP1 consultant on Information and Systems (MIS) and has completed several missions, including in this context. Microfinance Expert for networking MFI Louga, he was involved in the establishment of regional rural networks. HECI PhD student, graduated from Gaston Berger of Saint-Louis and the Higher Institute of Management (ISM) University, he holds several certifications of international capacity building organizations. With this experience, he has greatly contributed to the definition, implementation of the strategy of microfinance in Senegal and in many other countries. International consultant in management information system, trainer on thematic as varied for microfinance institutions and clients of microfinance, he led several studies and mission support microfinance institutions in Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Tanzania, Rwanda, DRC, Haiti, Mauritania, etc.. He also leads several missions on behalf of several donors: CGAP, ILO, Belgian Survival Fund, the Walloon Region, The Microfinance Support Program in the DRC, the support program to the letter of sector policy Senegal (AP / LPS), the German Cooperation (GIZ), Italian banking foundations (F4A), the United Nations Industrial Development, the Ministry of Agriculture in Rwanda (MINAGRI), etc. With strong experience in the promotion of women to access to finance, he developed financial products leading to different microfinance institutions in Senegal and Burkina Faso. His knowledge of the area of financing for development and management of funds or credit guarantees, allowed him to get very convincing results in the implementation of the sustainability of the System of Credit and Savings for Women for institutions in North and South Senegal (Louga, Casamance and St. Louis). These different experiences Gained allowed him to participate as a microfinance expert implementation of a project of the Union Europeans, the Belgian Survival Fund, and Direction of Microfinance in Senegal matter of poverty reduction in the areas of St. Louis and Ziguinchor, Louga. He has participated in several studies on human rights and the Customer Participates in the promoting of financial transparency and customer protection. ASCOSDEV Director, specialist in Islamic finance, he HAD to experiment and the funding has Developed ranks of services in the area. He Also has several tasks outside Morocco, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Sudan, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Rwanda, DRC, South Africa, Mauritania, Tanzania, Haiti, France, Italy, Togo, Tunisia etc.

Mes compétences :
Expert En Microfinance
Expert En Systeme D'information De Gestion
Specialiste De La Finance Rurale
Formateur Sur Making Microfinance Work Du BIT
Montage Institutionnel Et Financier/Mise En Reseau
Formateur/Personne Ressource Du CGAP Sur Les Cours



    Апатиты 2006 - maintenant Formation
    Systeme d'information de Gestion
    Assistance technique
    Capital investment
    Finance islamique



    Dakar 2012 - maintenant Doctorant

    Dakar 2004 - 2005 Diplome d'etudes specialisees
  • Université Gaston Berger (Saint Louis)

    Saint Louis 1991 - 1998 Maitrise
  • Lycer Cheikh Oumar Foutiyou Tall (Saint Louis)

    Saint Louis 1986 - 1989 Baccalaureat

    Enseignement general


Annuaire des membres :