


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Molecular biology


  • Laboratoire des Glucides - Amiens - PhD student

    2010 - maintenant Thesis subject: «Synthesis of high-mannose oligosaccharide mimics and cell recognition. », which will be defended in September 2013 at the University of Amiens in Picardie, France.
  • University of picardie Jules Verne (UPJV) - Amiens - Teacher

    2010 - 2011 Teaching in chemistry (90 hours of practical and lab work); University of Amiens.
  • (COS ) Organic Supramolecular Chemistry - ENSCR Lab - RENNES - Researchers

    2010 - 2010 Training period in the Supramolecular Organic Chemistry laboratory of E.N.S.C.R (Six months): “Biocatalyzed synthesis of original thioglycosides with new furanothioglycoligase”
  • Trinity college - Chemistry school - Researcher

    2009 - 2009 Training period at Trinity College in Dublin (Four months): Synthesis of new pyrroles.
  • Quaron FRANCE - Conditioner of corrosive chemicals

    2008 - 2008 Training period
  • ACOPE (ENSCR student organization offering services to industry and laboratories) - Président of ACOPE

    2008 - 2010 ENSCR student organization offering services to industry and laboratories
  • MyPersonalServices - Private teacher

    2006 - 2012 Teaching in maths and chemistry (Secondary school students and children)


  • Laboratoire Des Glucides FRE-CNRS 3517 - (Université Picardie Jules Verne) (Amiens)

    Amiens 2010 - maintenant PhD

    Organic chemistry - Carbohydrates - Thesis subject: «Synthesis of high-mannose oligosaccharide mimics and cell recognition. », which will be defended in September 2013 at the University of Amiens in Picardie, France.
  • Université Rennes 1

    Rennes 2009 - 2010 Master degree of Science

    Master degree of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry - Obtained with distintion ( Rank third out of eighteen )
  • Ecole Nationale Supérieure De Chimie De Rennes (ENSCR) (Rennes)

    Rennes 2007 - 2010 Engineer in organic chemistry and biochemistry

    Obtained the “Dipôme d’ingénieur” (engineering degree) of E.N.S.C.R ( Rank: 7th out of 71(first year); 8th out of 66 students (second year); Rank: 15th out of 75 students (Third year) and the Master of organic chemistry degree of University of Rennes1 with distinction
  • Lycée Joffre, Classes Préparatoires Aux Grandes Ecoles

    Montpellier 2005 - 2007 Post Secondary school advanced math and physics classes in preparation for the competitive entrance examinations to French Engineering Colleges
  • Lycée Sainte Geneviève Ginette

    Versailles 2004 - 2005
  • Lycée Saint Louis De Gonzague (Perpignan)

    Perpignan 2003 - 2004 Baccalauréat S (Scientifique)

    Baccalauréat voie scientifique - Obtained with distinction


Annuaire des membres :