


En résumé

As a born organizer, my passion is to transform chaotic situations into organized, comprehensible structures. I support and coordinate companies with a high level of commitment and service orientation in the introduction of project management standards and Petroleum. After my studies in Sweden I started working as a project assistant at the help desk. I came to project management through the introduction of a local UHD. Since then I have worked as a project coordinator in various projects and different industries. Experience from more than 20 years of project management, my ability to absorb complex information and analyze processes from a result-oriented point of view, a high degree of pragmatism and flexibility enable me to quickly find customer-specific solutions and maintain high quality standards. I enjoy developing sustainable solutions that I achieve with and through my colleagues.


Pas d'entreprise renseignée


Pas de formation renseignée


Pas de contact professionnel

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