
Marie-Lison GARCIA


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Affaires internationales
Organisation d'entreprise


  • AILANCY - Consultante

    2012 - maintenant Positioning:
    - Market study and strategic positioning
    - Definition and implementation of operational strategy
    - Definition of new processes and organizations
    - Mergers implementation
    - Research of partnerships, outsourcing and synergies
    - IT blueprint
    - Operational Performance improvement and profitability
    - Risk management and compliance review and optimization
    - Set-up of new regulatory standards and requirements
    - Training for bank and financial businesses (Ailancy is approved as a training institution)

    - Preliminary study for the AGI's Fund Administration outsourcing project
    - Benchmarks and business case
    - Request for Proposal launching and management, tenders examination
    - Financial simulations
    - Negotiation phase with the service providers
    - Preparation of the implementation phase: Workers' Council documents, LOI, contractual negotiations

  • Triana Venture Partners, New York USA - Project Management

    2010 - 2012 Triana Venture Partners is experienced in successfully launching and expanding technology and life sciences companies in the United States and Europe. We partner with European companies to facilitate their entry and growth in the U.S. We provide them with turnkey presence within TRIANA LABS, our incubator based in New York City, custom services, business expertise, operational resources, facilitated access to financing:
    • A network of industry players and experts who provide unique insights and approaches to U.S. markets
    • Custom-made solutions for U.S. market entry including market analysis, business development, strategic advice and acquisition advisory services
    • Shared management professionals and technical experts, offices and administrative resources
    • Facilitate access to financing solutions
  • Axoro Corp., Newport Beach California USA - Market Analyst

    2010 - 2010 Dans cette start-up américaine, ma mission était principalement de développer la stratégie marketing/ branding de la compagnie afin de lancer et pérenniser nos offres et services sur le marché américain.
    - études de marché
    - positionnement marketing
    - développement de recommandations stratégiques
    - création des outils marketing
    - création des bases de données
    - content management
    - assister au lancement de la filiale française et à l'acquisition d'un autre groupe américain en communication digitale
  • Ministère des Affaires étrangères - Stagiaire Direction générale Service de la politique étrangère et sécurité commune

    Paris 2007 - 2008 - Assister à la préparation de la Présidence française de l'Union européenne
    - Coordinatrice institutions européennes - Quai d'Orsay
    - Assurer la visibilité du programme et des objectifs de la présidence aux observateurs et participants
    - rédaction du guide de la présidence française- communication interne
    - responsable de la procédure légale 88-4



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