


En résumé

Expert en marketing communication intégrée avec 20 ans d’expérience acquise aux USA et en France dans des industries hautement concurrentielles à forte valeur ajoutée dont des dispositifs médicaux, de l’optique-photonique appliquée et de la recherche fondamentale. Capacités prouvées à mettre en œuvre l’ensemble des compétences essentielles pour appréhender les besoins des différents acteurs, les engager avec des solutions créatives et dépasser les objectifs.

Mes compétences :
Adobe Creative Suite 5
Microsoft Office 2010
Stratégie de communication
Rédaction scientifique
Relations Publiques


  • NumInvest/Neolimes - Consultant Sénior

    2014 - maintenant Conseil en marketing communication intégrée pour des PME, études de marché, rédaction médico-scientifique.
  • Imagine Optic - Contracted Communications Manager

    Talence 2005 - 2013 As a consultant for Imagine Optic, I worked with the company to refine its brand image and value in a highly-competitive international market. The priority target segments in the overall optics-photonics market were biomedical and life-sciences imaging, ultra-intense industrial and scientific lasers, and optical characterization.

    A high price point and the widely varying needs of each segment required delivering finely-honed value proposition for each of them that used customer successes to firmly demonstrate advantages. The company’s growth resulted in the opening of new offices around the world, and the sales team’s effective use of internet marketing materials boosted ROI from tradeshow participation and, in turn, sales.
  • Imagine Eyes - Director of Global Marketing Communication

    Talence 2004 - 2013 Beginning as a consultant (2004-2010) and then as a member of executive management (2010-2013), I worked with a team of brilliant people to bring innovative ophthalmic devices to market and to build ongoing demand.

    Imagine Eyes’ products are used for refractive analysis in custom wavefront-guided LASIK and ultra-high resolution retinal imaging. Based on adaptive optics, a technology initially developed for astrophysics, the company's products bring value by addressing needs that cannot be effectively met by other means.

    Successfully marketing this offer required a deep understanding of the needs of multiple, sometimes skeptical, stakeholders in order to deliver consistent messaging that provided them with a compelling reason to buy. We accomplished this by building a solid brand around customer success, and promoted it with a creative mix of internet marketing, public relations, tradeshow participation and community outreach.
  • Elucido Partners - Managing Partner, Senior Consultant

    2002 - 2010 Cofounding and managing Elucido was an incredible experience that I ended to join Imagine Eyes’ executive management team. Elucido provided marketing, communications and public relations services to SMEs that commercialized innovative technologies and that needed to grow internationally.

    By assembling custom-made teams of freelancers and partner agencies around the world, we were able to meet each client’s unique needs. Most importantly, we were able to do it while respecting the budgetary limitations that SMEs face without sacrificing quality.
  • Obvious Technology - Vice President Marketing Communication

    1998 - 2002 Leading the marketing-communication team, spread out between Paris and San Francisco, at Obvious was a great opportunity to perfect my skills in event planning and team management. We aligned our message with that of technology heavyweights including Intel and Silicon Graphics to promote our Application-Service-Provider (ASP) solution for multimedia content delivery and management. We built a great brand, but strong investor backing and the solid partnerships we forged simply weren’t enough as widespread broadband service took longer to arrive than anyone had predicted. A great team moved on to new challenges.
  • Doremus & Company - Creative Director

    1993 - 1997 Being part of Doremus’ San Francisco office team was an excellent entry into bringing creativity to the oftentimes dry domain of investment banking. As a young and enthusiastic team, we won new clients and conceived great creative artwork that significantly grew our satellite office’s revenues.
  • Pacific Telesis Group - Chef de Projet

    1991 - 1993



Annuaire des membres :