
Matthieu THIROUX


En résumé

Jeune diplômé recherche l'entreprise de ses rêves à Paris


  • Scann3d - Project development

    2015 - 2015 In this extremely dynamic Start-up, I had the opportunity to work on several aspects:

    -Company strategy
    -Launching new projects
    -Market studies
    -Estalblishing a social partnership with a NGO
    -Media communication
    -Account management
    -Social media
    -3D modellisation
  • Clipy company -  Commercial and marketing assistant

    2014 - 2014 In Spain (Madrid)
    - International negotiations B to B
    - Advertising Creation
    - Sales data analysis
    - Marketing campaign
    - International Logistic
  • Decathlon - Salesman

    Villeneuve d'Ascq 2013 - 2014
  • Fondation un Avenir Ensemble - Project Development

    2012 - 2012 - Internal communication
    - Analysis of the organization's needs and proposition of solutions
    - Active participation to the foundation Strategy for the next year
  • Association Meltin'days - Co-président

    2011 - 2012 Organization of events (with 1 000 students from several different schools involved per events) in order to raise funds to organize an integration week end for 200 foreign students.

    Management of a team of 20 students
    Fund raising
    Negotiation of partnerships

  • Masaya Corporation - Partnerships development

    2011 - 2011 - Internal communication
    - Analysis of the organization's needs and proposition of solutions
    - Active participation to the foundation Strategy for the next year



Annuaire des membres :