
Mbathio NDIAYE


En résumé

I was born and raised in Dakar, Senegal , I first discovered my skills in selling when I was to high school . Indeed I would sell some stuffs to my comrades.
Then after I got the BAC examination I went to the university to study English language, and i was working as a trader afternoons at the same time .

In 2013 i was selected by a Swedish call-center company to learn intensively (in 6months) the Swedish language and civilization.
Being done , I started working as a call center operator . One of my main task is receiving calls from customers from Sweden and book their local movement and it's with my savings that I started my business in muslim women's clothing, and opened at the same time a page on Facebook which i use to promote my articles . The page records over than 22000 followers and i everyday receive customers at home. I am currently achieving my license 3 in American literature and civilization.
The Words that best describe me are: hardworking, punctual,friendly and above all ambitious.
And if my customers are happy so I am.


  • Samres senegal - Télé opératrice

    2014 - 2015


Pas de formation renseignée

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