

San Francisco

En résumé

Je suis un ingénieur logiciel experimenté, avec une solide formation initiale et 15 années d'expérience en tant que développeur, leader technique et architecte, sur des applications back-end et web.

Mes points forts sont :
► Le développement en Java
► La conception logicielle et l'architecture
► Les pratiques d'ingénierie logicielle

J'ai également pratiqué les méthodologies agile pendant ces 7 dernières années dans une société internationale, en tant qu'équipier et dans un rôle transversal.

Mes compétences :
Applications web
Architecture logicielle
Ingénierie logicielle
Méthodologies Agiles
Services web
Web Services


  • ForgeRock - Ingénieur Développement Sénior

    San Francisco 2013 - maintenant
  • Kelkoo - Software Architect

    Paris 2008 - 2013 ► Responsible for software architecture of a platform that provides 100M offers to 10M unique visitors/month, 80M API calls /month, in 11 countries.

    ► Designed several new subsystems and evolved existing ones to a service-oriented architecture, using separation of concerns as a driver.


    ► Developed for several projects, including an automatic price checker of 100K+ offers on external merchants websites, an internal RESTful web service to compute complex urls redirections based on other web services, a webapp to manage architecture information (from logical systems to servers).

    ► Rationalized usage of RESTful web services, by introducing Jersey library in replacement of in-house library, standardizing URIs and formats, developing support tools, training all developers (30 devs). Improved time to develop and deploy internal web services by at least a factor of 2.

    ► Designed and developed a complete packaging and deploying framework based on maven, RPM, Puppet. This framework replaced Yahoo! tools and helped to increase significantly the frequency of releases. Results presented in french conferences (see below).

    ► Evangelized good coding practices, by direct support to developers and organization of more than 30 internal coding dojos (TDD, testing, OO design).
  • Yahoo - Software Architect of Kelkoo Back-End Systems

    PARIS 2006 - 2008 ► Designed and developed major evolution of Kelkoo search platform, in order to switch from Lucene to Yahoo! search engine. Successfully addressed the challenge of keeping the same relevancy algorithm, and the challenge of smooth migration of search clients.

    ► Designed evolutions of the Kelkoo back-end systems, performing parallel processing of 80M offers per day based on several algorithms (matching, tagging, normalization).
  • Yahoo - Software Developer, Tech Leader of Kelkoo Search platform

    PARIS 2004 - 2007 ► Developed a robust and scalable version of Kelkoo search platform based on Lucene, including fine tuning of search algorithm and implementation of specialized monitoring tools.
    This new platform improved over existing one, being able to handle much more documents (100M+), with faster indexation time (divided by factor of 2) and same search response time.
  • Object Direct - Software Engineer

    2003 - 2004 ► Developed several features for Kelkoo, including first search framework.
  • CSO informatique - Software Engineer

    2000 - 2003 ► Designed and developed several parts of a custom identity management solution based on a LDAP directory server (500K entries) for Peugeot-Citroën (PSA, french car manufacturer).

    ► Developed web applications and provided expertise on LDAP to projects teams for PSA and General Electric.
  • Alplog - Software Engineer

    1998 - 1999 ► Developed a consumer device combining phone and internet access (Alcatel Web Touch One) in application team for ALCATEL.


  • Université Nancy 1 Henri Poincaré

    Vandoeuvre Les Nancy 1995 - 1998 PhD, Computer sciences, Artificial Intelligence

    ► Subject of my thesis : Information analysis based on generalization of terms

    ► Areas : text mining, knowledge representation, knowledge management, terminology, natural language processing

    Online version in french :
  • Université Nancy 1 Henri Poincaré

    Vandoeuvre Les Nancy 1992 - 1995 Engineer, Computer sciences


Annuaire des membres :