
Nicolas MUTZ


En résumé

Ingenieur application et test pour sensor photosensible
- Teledyne Dalsa (Eindhoven, Pays-Bas)
- Photo haute definitions, detecteurs rayon X
- Conception de system de demonstration pour client
- Conceptions des machines de test pour wafer et chip

- Conception electronique numerique. FPGA, VHDL, XILINX, ALTERA
- Conception de cartes electroniques. PCB
- Developement de software embarque. NIOS, ARM, PIC...
- Digital Signal et Image Processing. Implementation sur software et hardware
- Conception d amplificateur analogique. (Grande vitesse, stabilite)

- Francais
- Neerlandais
- Anglais
- Allemand

Mes compétences :
Logiciel embarqué
Electronique analogique
Traitement du Signal
Electronique numérique


  • INSPIRO - Digital System Engineer

    2008 - 2008 I am currently working on the design of a digital Frequency Modulator.

    I have started from the definition of the concept to the implementation and validation. This project requires knowledge in Digital Signal Processing, design on FPGA and software programming. The quality of the signal (signal/noise) is the most important requirement.
  • NXP Semiconductors - Student

    Colombelles 2007 - 2007 I have performed my intership at NXP Semiconductors in the context of my Master degree.

    My task has been to define the concept of a module that is used inside a ASIC.

    The ASIC processes audio and video data. It is used in the automotive domain. The module I have been in charge to design, performs the data transfer between the different data processing modules inside the ASIC.

    At the end of my intership, I have finished the definition of the the concepts and I have started with the design of the module.
  • NXP Semiconductors - Software Engineer

    Colombelles 2007 - 2007 From august to December 2007, I have been working for a French service company, Incka. I have been send in mission to NXP Semiconductors in Caen.

    I was in charge of developing the interface for a video component. The interface software consists of different functions that enable the configuration of the component. The programing language is C.



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