


En résumé

I am French/Lebanese leading social media and social business strategist, thought leader and at the heart a 'digital' entrepreneur.

With 20+ years experience in media, marketing and organizational change, having setup and run many technology-based businesses, I've in the past successfully developed and delivered globally digital professional services and community solutions for the telecom and audiovisual industries.

I have helped developing 90:10’s social media business consultancy services in France, Italy and Middle East, managing multilingual teams and global accounts such as Carlson Wagonlit Travel, Honda Europe and France Televisions.

As an active speaker, I'm regularly invited to speak on the impact of social (media) technologies on businesses, brands and organizations hence on how to become a 'social business'.

- Launched 90:10 Group in France and Italy
- Co-founded GLITNER, a B2B social media online market place, linking producers, distributors, content and VoD operators
- Launched from scratch ISAN and the International Agency resulting in its adoption by major film and TV producers in Europe and the US
- Integration of ISAN (the media content tag of reference) in Blu-ray and major SW suites Microsoft, Thomson, ITunes, Harris

- Identification and due diligence of potential partners at different levels of the media value chain
- IP licensing negotiation and distribution
- Extensive development of online services (B2B and B2C)
- Complex partnerships negotiation in Europe and MENA regions

- Multi cultural people management (up to 150)
- Fund raising as part of the telco executive team (+ $155M)
- 15 years of day to day management of high tech companies

- Business modeling and pricing strategies for converged media services
- Development, launch and animation of online communities

Social Business, Social Media Strategy, Doing Business in MENA region, Digital Brand Activation, Change Management, Media Convergence, Content Distribution, Enterprise 2.0

Mes compétences :
Social Networks


  • IP Way

  • Social4ce - Founder & CEO

    2012 - maintenant We are a social business consultancy based in the MENA region. We help our clients leverage the power of social media through a four pillars approach: Research - Change - Engage and Technology.

    Our agents of change advise organizations on how to improve their relationships with the people that matter to them, so they can generate value by redesigning themselves according to the “4CEs”, and therefore become a social business.

    At social4ce, we believe that social business is all about connecting people with real people and providing valuable insights from social data. Being a social business varies widely from an organization to another: market maturity, company size and readiness as well as industry regulations are some of the factors impacting this definition. However, the only requirement before starting to plan a social business strategy is to set the company on a path where the idea of connecting with customers in real-time is embraced.

    Social business is an ongoing process of listening, tracking, engaging, educating and involving people at all levels around the conversations that are happening on the social web. It is not only an ensemble of tactical activities to promote a brand, educate the market and engage with customers: it is about the transformation of an organization into the business models of the future, with the goal of continuously improving the customer experience.

    Social media monitoring and e-reputation, Social Media and Social Business Strategies, Trainings and workshops, Social media crisis communications, Digital Activation, Online communities building and management, Content management strategies, Influencers programs, Social CRM, Customer Satisfaction and Sales activation.
  • 90:10 France - Directeur Général France & Italie

    2009 - 2012 Directeur associé.
    Développement de 90:10 Group en France (Paris) et en Italie (Milan)
    Recrutement et gestion des consultants, chargés de veilles et community managers.

    Directeur conseil en charge d'accompagner les entreprises dans la mise en place et le suivi de leur stratégie médias sociaux, dans l'accompagnement de leur transformation vers une entreprise connectée et entreprise 2.0.

    Principaux clients: Honda (auto, moto, racing), France Télévisions, Carlson Wagonlit Travel, Bupa, Tesco, Golden Lady.
  • GLITNER - DG & co-Fondateur

    2009 - 2009 Afin de favoriser la circulation et distribution des contenus cinématographiques par le biais de services de Vidéo à la Demande (VàD), GLITNER a été récemment créé développant une plateforme communautaire B2B (Business to Business) dédiée à la mise en relation des professionnels (acheteurs et vendeurs) désirant l’échange d’informations critiques (droits VàD par territoire et type de plateforme, données descriptives de l’œuvre, bandes annonces, synopsis multilingue, etc...)pour une exploitation des contenus audiovisuels en VàD.

    Tous les services et fonctionnalités déployés sur GLITNER ont pour objectif de favoriser la mise en relation et encourager la collaboration entre les différents acteurs de ce marché, et plus précisément aux besoins des ayants droits, des agrégateurs de contenus et des plateformes VàD.
  • ISAN International Agency - Directeur Général

    SAINT DENIS 2004 - 2009 ISAN International Agency (ISAN-IA) is a Geneva Switzerland based organization, founded by AGICOA, CISAC and FIAPF.
    ISAN-IA's mission is to promote internationally the International Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN), to appoint and run a network of registration agencies in the world (15 so far: 8 in Europe, 4 in North America, 1 in Latin America, 2 in Asia) , and to run, manage and maintain the ISAN system and central repository (more than 1/2 million ISANs delivered.


Pas de formation renseignée


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