


En résumé

Paulin Pigorot étudiant à l'Edhec Business School en alternance. Option Finance

Mes compétences :
Pack office
Analyste financier
Contrôle de gestion


  • Believe Digital - Business Analyst

    Paris 2015 - maintenant Business Analyst Royalties
  • Canal + - Alternant Contrôleur de Gestion

    Issy-les-Moulineaux 2013 - maintenant Involved in the process of construction, loading and monitoring of the budget and its updates:
    Wrote, monitored and analysed the new budgetary procedure. Contributed to the evaluation of all the budgets (wrote business rules in collaboration with collaborators). Defined the budget assumptions.

    Monitored the obligating process:
    Operational expenses; commands tracking and bills control.

    Participated in the monthly closing process of the BU and the development of commented reports:
    Developed budget monitoring, analysis and restitution. Supporting operational unit in the definition of some indicators.

    Analysed commercial offers:

    Used SAP and Essbase tools:
    Treated the FAR console on SAP. Participated in the analytical structuring of SAP into the division (recast the accounts from the former tool to SAP) and supported the operational division in their understanding of the new analytical structure.

    Went on summer assignment in Congo:
    Implemented the subsidiary's tools and files required for Financial Controlling. Recruited and trained a local financial team on the head quarter processes.
  • Qobuz - International Business Development Intern

    2013 - 2013 Defined the business needs, benchmark the market and identify the best practices
    Tracked the business metrics and analytics, identified and resolved issues
    Prepared marketing supports and organised meeting in advance of SXSW festival
    Developed a solid understanding of the digital ecosystem
  • PlacArt - Créateur du projet

    2012 - maintenant Réseau social participatif web 2.0 axé sur l’art et la culture
    Étude du marché, Business plan, Montage du plan financier et de communication
  • Banque de France - Stagiaire Analyste financier

    Paris 2011 - 2011 Collecter les bilans d’entreprises, effectuer une analyse financière des comptes, formuler et argumenter une proposition de cotation prévisionnelle sur les trois prochains exercices.



Annuaire des membres :