
Philippe CUCHET


En résumé

Voir mon profil complet en anglais

15 ans d'expérience dans l'industrie automobile
4 ans d'expérience dans l'industrie ferroviaire
- Management de projets industriels (implantation de nouvelle ligne de production à l'international >50Meuros)
- Management de projets de développement
- Management opérationnel de production et services connexes (>140 personnes)
- Développement d'activité à l'international
- Expérience internationale, adaptation multi culturelle (expatriation en Argentine et Mexique)
- Préparation technico économique de projet en avant vente, étude de rentabilité, business plan
- Lean Manufacturing
- Lean Product Development

Trilingue : Français, anglais et espagnol

Mes compétences :


  • Alstom Transport - Site Industrial Operation Director

    2012 - maintenant Transport Information Solutions
    Saint-Ouen Site
  • Alstom Transport - Operation Strategy

    2010 - 2011 Manufacturing and Engineering workload
    Capital Expenditure
    Strategic cooperation projects
  • Alstom Transport - Engineering & Industrialization Process Manager

    2008 - 2010 Elaboration of Concurrent Engineering Development Process for Rolling Stock product development.
    Implementation of Manufacturing Engineering Information tool and standardization of methodologies
  • Matra Automobile Engineering - Project Manager

    2004 - 2008 Engineering business development for international customers :
    Prospecting for projects, preparation of business proposals, negotiations with customers (Russia, Iran, China, Brazil).

    Responsible for uncovering and delivering proposals for unique solutions addressing major engineering challenges within the French OEMs (Renault, Peugeot-Citroen) and non automotive customers.

    Lead project manager of 207SW Outdoor for Peugeot.
  • Wagon automotive - Manufacturing Manager

    2003 - 2004 Responsible for leading the manufacturing team in the plant including production, logistic, methods, quality, maintenance, tooling maintenance (140 persons).

    Accountable with the team, to deliver the manufacturing targets:
    Quality, Customer Services, material supplying, Efficiency.

    Process manager for Quality ISO TS V2002 certification.
  • RENAULT - International Industrial Project Mananger

    Boulogne-Billancourt 1999 - 2003 MEXICO INDUSTRIAL PROJECT MANAGER (expatriation in Mexico)
    Definition, integration & start of the production means of the manufacturing process for Renault Clio in NISSAN Aguascalientes plant for a capacity of 20 vehicles per hour.

    ARGENTINA INDUSTRIAL PROJECT MANAGER (expatriation in Argentina)
    Preparation of the project, Definition, integration & start of the production means of the manufacturing process for Renault Clio in Cordoba plant for a capacity of 10 vehicles per hour.

    Management of pre studies for manufacturing project in foreign plants and preparation of business proposal:
    - Technical feasibility
    - Profitability
    - Iran, Egypt, Romania, Argentina, Columbia and Mexico

    Stamping, Body assembly, E-Coating & painting, Mechanic, Trim & final line manufacturing process.
  • RENAULT - Quality Analysts Team Manager

    Boulogne-Billancourt 1993 - 1999 Analysis of technical concerns of the Clio project from the prototype phase, during launching of the production in the plant until first 6 months of sales of the vehicle in France.

    Organization of the Team inside Clio project in France:
    - Connections with the sub system project managers;
    - Management of Engineers & Technicians.

    Analysis of technical concerns of the whole Renault range in the French network.

    Solution proposal, management of application with engineering department, plants and suppliers.



Annuaire des membres :