
Raphaël LANTÉ


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Matériaux polymères


  • Saint-Gobain NRDC - Project Manager, USA

    Courbevoie 2016 - maintenant Technical Manager: functionally led a team for the development of new products by tuning the fiberglass surface chemistry and relate fundamental properties to performance in various application fields: alkali resistance, adhesion enhancement, wetting of coatings, weight reduction in aerospace.

    Managed the portfolio of new product and process development. Developed, industrialized and qualified at a new customer a new product to reach 1.5M$ sales the first year while keeping product and production costs at lowest possible.

    Customer focus: consolidated customer relationship by frequent troubleshooting and technical support. Animation of Techdays. Insured short deadline and product quality.

    Courbevoie 2014 - 2016
  • HRDC (Herzogenrath R&D center), Saint-Gobain - Project Leader R&D

    2011 - 2014 Responsible for R&D budget 250-720k€/year.

    Successful industrialization of laser decoating technology for metallic coated automotive glazing.
    • Sole responsibility for the planning and execution under time constraints of the validation and integration of pilot machine into production line. Coordination of international project teams.
    • Close contact with suppliers and production. Involvement in design layout of industrial equipment and in investment planning and follow up (1M€).
    • Marketing and sales support for product launch at client. Organization and animation of international steering committees with success (degree of objective fulfillment =100%).

    Leading of an international project for the development of a hydrophobic coating for automotive glazing.
    • Coordination of national and international project teams (up to 8 persons) in 3 different R&D centers.
    • Development of new test procedures, production of prototypes, definition and planning of work packages, development of a ramp-up industrial scenario up to 1M pieces/year in collaboration with engineering department and suppliers.
    • Communication of results to Marketing and R&D managers. Tuning of objectives and priorities, participation in decision making process. Organization and animation of international steering committees with success
  • Saint-Gobain Sekurit Deutschland - Ingénieur développement: test et essai grandeur laboratoire et nature

    Courbevoie 2010 - 2011
  • Agfa-Gevaert - Agfa Materials - Stagiaire Ingénieur Développement

    2009 - 2009 Dans le cadre de mon stage de fin d'étude en Belgique, j'ai étudié au sein du département analytique le degré de coalescence de particules de latex pour la technologie des plaques ThermoFuse pour l'industrie de l'imprimerie offset.

    -utilisation de différentes techniques analytiques pour l'évaluation quantitative du degré de coalescence dans une couche de 500nm: HPLC, XRF&XRD, densitometrie, mesure d'angles de contact...
    -observations au MEB(ou SEM)
    -mise en place de méthodes/tests de redispersion
  • Kolb AG - Stagiaire Ingénieur Développement

    2007 - 2008 Stage en Suisse pour le développement d'agents dispersant pour peintures en phase aqueuse.

    -synthèse et caractérisation de polymères
    -interprétation des résultats et documentation
    -production de pâtes pigmentaires/mise en place de méthodes
    -développement et optimisation des paramètres et méthodes pour l'évaluation des pâtes pigmentaires
    -travail général de laboratoire



Annuaire des membres :