


En résumé

Project Manager, subcontractor for Airbus France EYDT, SopraSteria.
Lead of functional support team - 6 resources.
Looking for a new challenge.

Mes compétences :
Maîtrise d'ouvrage
Spécifications fonctionnelles
Ingénierie système
Test fonctionnel
Gestion de la relation client
Microsoft Office
Analyse des besoins
Gestion de projet
Microsoft Excel
Visual Basic
Analyse fonctionnelle


  • Sopra Steria - Project Manager

    Paris 2016 - maintenant Project manager at SopraSteria Colomiers on behalf of Airbus France EYDT.
    Activity area: Information technology, tools development (business analyst) and functional support team leader (France and Offshore-India).
    Industry: Aeronautics, change control process.
  • Sopra Steria - Business analyst, Project manager backup

    Paris 2014 - 2016 Business project leader for an Airbus project including 4 Suppliers.
    Project management through the product lifecycle: specification, implementation, testing and validation (V&V).
    Skills: Project management, Offshore focal point, Workshop animation,Specification, UML modeling, Test writing, Test execution, Defect analysis, Validation, SQL, VBA, KPIs follow-up, Reporting, Ensure the follow-up and traceability between requirements, tests and defects.
    Subcontractor for AIRBUS France - EYDT
  • Sopra Steria - Business project leader

    Paris 2013 - 2016 Business Project Leader in an obsolescence project for avionic configuration management tools.
    BRD (Business Requirement Dossier) writing / MOA.
    Skills: Configuration management, Need analysis, Specification and analysis of functional requirements, Organization of workshops with principal key-users and stakeholders, Test strategy and test writing, V&V cycle.
    Subcontractor for AIRBUS France - EYDT
  • Sopra Steria - Internship

    Paris 2013 - 2013 ISCD internship: Inter System Communication Data for A380, A400M and A350 programs for Airbus.
    "Change" process improvement: Design, Development and validation of a follow-up tool for data modification within avionic communication interfaces.
    Skills: Need analysis, MagicDraw modeling, Requirements writing, Functional analysis, UML/SQL/VBA, Project management.
  • Altran France - Internship

    Vélizy-Villacoublay 2012 - 2012 Benchmarking of different system engineering modeling tools in the market, highlighting several potential improvements.
  • DMS education - Internship

    2011 - 2011 Matlab/Simulink/ Solidworks/Labview conception and modeling of an electric bike with energy regeneration.
    Designing a system interacting with the electric bike for data processing.



    Toulouse 2008 - 2013 Industrial systems engineering

    Development process: need analysis, specification and analysis of technical requirements, functional and physical system architecture design, V&V cycle.
    Technical background: multidisciplinary skills in scientific and technical domains, including mechanical, industrial, electronic, software and automation engineering.
    Project management: Quality, tasks and resources.


Annuaire des membres :