
Sébastien RIGAUD

En résumé

Recently graduated from EDHEC Business School, I obtained a double degree: a Master in Management and a Master of Science in Global Business with a concentration in Finance (Private Equity, Debt Financing, Corporate Risk Management, International Treasury Management).

After several professional experiences in developing countries (Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Bolivia and Cambodia) working with individual entrepreneurs, social enterprises, microfinance institutions and investment funds, I decided to focus on the impact investing industry. I wrote a Master Thesis on impact investing: "Can impact investing enable capitalism to better serve society?" and worked as a Research Associate for Africa Impact Group, the first advisory firm focusing on impact investing in Francophone Africa.

After my graduation, I completed a 6-months contract as Argentina Coordinator for the Groupe SOS, one of the leading social enterprises in Europe (10 000 employees, 45 social enterprises, 750M US$ turnover), and Le Comptoir de l’Innovation, its consulting and impact investing arm.

To my mind, impact investing is one of the most powerful tools to develop social enterprises and microfinance institutions that can efficiently improve the living conditions of the BoP people. Creating both financial returns and social benefits, impact investing has the power to create a better world.

This conviction leads me to look for job opportunities in an impact investing fund and more precisely as an investment analyst. I am convinced that my personal qualities, educational background and professional experiences will allow me to successfully complete such a mission.

Mes compétences :
Corporate Strategy
International Accounting
Corporate Finance
Marketing Strategy
Debt Financing
Corporate Risk Management
Project Management
Private Equity
International Treasury Management
International Operations
Business Development
Business Management


  • Oikocredit - Equity Investments Junior Analyst

    2014 - maintenant
  • Groupe SOS - Coordinador Argentina

    Paris 2013 - 2013
  • Africa Impact Group - Research Associate

    2013 - 2013 1. Research data on Impact Investing in frontier markets, with a focus on Central Africa:
    > country analysis > players in the field > funding opportunities

    2. Contribute to the writing of the Central Africa Impact Investing report, which is a report iniated by Africa Impact Group, to complement the West Africa Impact Investing report written by Dalberg and funded by the Rockfeller foundation

    3. Manage the company social media platforms (facebook, twitter, linked, etc) by posting relevant articles, news, etc on the company activity and Impact Investing.
  • Chamroeun Microfinance Limited, Cambodia - Consultant in Social Performance

    2012 - 2012 - To conduct a Partner Satisfaction Survey (Sample, questionnaire design, training of 4 volunteers for the administration, audit, data collection and encoding, data analysis, final report)
    - To conduct a Progress Out of Poverty Index (training of the loan officers, data collection and encoding, analysis and final report)
    - Research on on-going feedback mechanisms to improve Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
  • ACRA - Cooperazione Rurale in Africa e America Latina, Bolivia - Consultant in Business Development

    2012 - 2012 Consultancy for 11 small rural organizations to develop business plans allowing them to apply for an investment fund (10 000$ help) – 6 of them won the price. Organizations worked in many different sectors and regions (from 20 to 150 workers).
    Development of a network of rural organizations to help them selling and creating a fair market in Bolivia.
  • Internationale du Crédit Agricole et Rural (ICAR), Madagascar - Consultant in Communication

    2011 - 2012 Production of communication tools for the association: communication brochures, newsletters, and a website.
    Missions on the field to fully understand the projects, especially the functioning of a mutual microfinance institution (Mutuelle du Mandrare) and a financial institution (IFRA – Instititution Financière de la Région Anosy).
  • Hotel Iberostar Torviscas Playa (4 star hotel), Tenerife, Spain - Assistant Manager

    2011 - 2011 Assist the Hotel Director to manage a team of 150 employees (8 departments), public relation, marketing and strategy (1200 clients in the hotel).
    Working in English, Spanish and French.
  • Student Consulting for Development - President

    2010 - 2012 Team of four Edhec Business School students taking part in an entrepreneurial project of 9 months in 3 continents (Africa, Latin America and Asia) in order to work with organisations (NGOs, MFI, Institutions) in development, social entrepreneurship, social business and microfinance.
    => 14 months of preparation: fundraising, networking, trainings
    => 9 months of missions (see description below):
    - Chamroeun Microfinance Limited, Cambodia
    - ACRA - Cooperazione Rurale in Africa e America Latina, Bolivia
    - Internationale du Crédit Agricole et Rural (ICAR), Madagascar
    => 4 months of feedback: conferences, photos and videos
  • Edhec Nations Unies (ENU) - Secretary General

    2010 - 2011 Participation at the National Model United Nations (NMUN) in New York.
    Many responsibilities concerning management, finance and achievement of this project (also a UN simulation in 2008 at EUROMED Marseille, France).
  • Handicap Sans Frontières, Ivory Coast - Assistant Project Manager

    2010 - 2010 - Assistant Project Manager for the construction of a training centre for disabled people and orphans in Man, Ivory Coast. Project financed by European Development Fund (EDF) for 700 000€.
    - Logistic and distribution preparation of 20 000 mosquito nets in Man, Ivory Coast.
  • Schola Africa, Burkina Faso - Vice-president

    2009 - 2011 Burkina Faso: one month mission to follow and develop the project.
    France: Fundraising, awareness campaign, teamwork, events organization.
    Budget: 50 000 € per year.
    Schola Africa is a humanitarian association that builds schools and trains women to sewing in a training centre in Burkina Faso.


  • EDHEC Business School

    Lille 2009 - 2013 Master in Business Management and MSc in Global Business (with a concentration in finance)

    Student in a three-year business studies program leading to a MSc in Global Business with concentration in finance in London
  • Lycée AlexAndré Dumas

    Saint Cloud 2007 - 2009 Pre-Business Administration program for national competitive examinations to enter French business schools
  • Lycée AlexAndré Dumas

    Saint Cloud 2003 - 2007 French Baccalauréat (Equivalent to A-levels) with a concentration in Economics and Mathematics.


Annuaire des membres :