


En résumé

J’ai 20 années d'expériences dans le domaine de l'agroalimentaire, particulièrement dans le domaine céréalier.
J’ai eu l’opportunité d’occuper des postes variés et complémentaires tant en production qu’en audit ou en qualité. J’ai aussi eu l’occasion d’être formateur, tant en France qu’en Asie du Sud Est (Vietnam et Cambodge).

Mes compétences :
management consultancy
Change Management
intervention stocking management
human resources planning
human resources
analysis of annual accounts and financial forecast
Soft Commodities
Sales supervision
Responsible for the milling process
Responsible for Common Agricultural Policy
Manufacturing Management
Business Development
Assembly Plants


  • AB2S - Senior Consultant

    2013 - maintenant
  • OLMIX - Asia Pacific Administrative and Financial Manager

    BREHAN 2011 - 2013 * Provide leadership and direction to Finance and Administration staff for the
    Asia Pacific region (China, India, Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia)
    o Establish and maintain internal controls to ensure compliance with
    financial and human resources legislation, policies and procedures
    * Restructure Indian operations ;
    * Business development on India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka ;
    * Participate in the provision of effective strategic, financial and human
    resources planning and information
    o Coordinate the preparation and submission of the annual budget
    o Coordinate and validate detailed reports on financial, human
    resources and administrative matters
  • ANOVAFEED Ltd - Managing Director

    2010 - 2011 * Be responsible for promoting and developing the business (start-up launch) in
    line with the Nova Group's strategies for animal nutrition in Vietnam:
    o Organize the industrial start up of the factory
    o Recruit and train the technical, commercial and administration team
    o Optimize the key critical process such as raw materials purchase,
    logistic and production flows
    o Manage the feed formula design in order to optimize cost, feed
    conversion and meat yield
    o Implement individual and teams performance measurement in order
    to monitor our product quality, production productivity, logistic flow
    optimization, sales achievement and financial profitability
    * Build-up strategic partnerships
  • Asia Business Support Services Ltd - Managing Director

    2007 - 2009 * Market study and activity set-up, Agri-food management consultancy
    o Proconco: Productivity improvement, 5S implementation, change

    Other activities - Training
    * CFVG Business School: Sales supervision, change management and
    commodities on the world market modules.
    * AsiaInvest program (Vietnam and Cambodia) - Quality in the food
    o Training: Manufacturing Management, Change Management, Project

    Management and Crisis Communication modules.
    o Communication: website, newsletter and recruitment process.
    * Master "Livestock productions, Environment, Hygiene and Quality''
    (Partnership between Tours (France) and Nông Lâm (Hô Chi Minh City)
    universities: Tutoring for students, Introduction to the firm module
  • HMG - General Director

    2007 - 2010 Agrifood Consulting and Training

    Other activities :
    - CFVG (Centre Franco-Vietnamien de Gestion): Sales supervision module ; change management module ; commodities on the world market module.
    - AsiaInvest program (Vietnam and Cambodia) – Quality in the food industry: Manufacturing Management, Change Management, Project Management and Crisis Communication modules.
    - Master "Productions animales, Environnement , Hygiène et Qualité" (Université de Tours et l’Université Nông Lâm de Hô Chi Minh-Ville) : tutoring for students, Introduction to the firm module.
  • Groupe APEX-ISAST - Consultant

    Paris 2005 - 2007 APEX (SOGEX-ACTE) Accounting company (France) - * Areas and companies: Sugar Industry (Saint Louis Sucre,
    Bottled Water (Perrier, Quézac, Saint Yorre), Wine Industry (Castel Group,
    Nicolas), Beer Industry (Heineken), Pork-butchery-Salting (Germanaud, Iller)
  • Credit Lyonnais - Consultant

    2003 - 2003 Risk analyst in the Industrial Studies Department of this French Investment Bank - Paris
    • Implemented an assessment system for quality and sanitary policies regarding agrifood companies
    • Analyzed corporate business plan to validate the bank’s credit lines
  • Dalloyau Paris - Internal Auditor

    Paris 2002 - 2003 Audited the sales cycle, prepared and implemented an action plan
  • Crédit Lyonnais Investment Bank - Consultant

    2000 - 2003 * Implemented an assessment system for quality and sanitary policies regarding
    agrifood companies
    * Analyzed corporate business plan to validate the bank's credit lines

    Dalloyau Paris (France) - External auditor
    Audited the sales cycle, prepared and implemented an action plan

    Bureau Interprofessionnel d'Études Analytiques (BIPEA) - R&D Analyst
    Carried out research on the BIPEA ability to provide external reference materials
    to the agri-food industry
  • Grands Moulins de Paris - Production Manager

    1989 - 1998 * Managed a 1 M EUR investment project: defined the key financial and technical
    (9 years) items, selected the suppliers and implemented the project.
    * Responsible for Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) intervention stocking
    management (T 35,000 cereals): from logistic flow to accounting invoice for
    * Prepared the plant transfer from Paris to Gennevilliers: mill starting (2
    processes of 400 tonnes by 24 hours), implementing new production
    management tool (procedures elaboration, team training)
  • Grands Moulins de Paris - Production executive

    IVRY SUR SEINE 1989 - 1998 • Managed a €1 million investment project: defined the key financial and technical items, selected the suppliers and implemented the project.
    • Responsible for Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) intervention stocking management (T 35,000 cereals) : from logistic flow to accounting invoice for ONIC,
    • Prepared the plant transfer from Paris to Gennevilliers: mill starting (2 processes of 400 tonnes by 24 hours), implementing new production management tool (procedures elaboration, team training)
    • Obtained HACCP certification in December 1997



Annuaire des membres :