


En résumé

Curious about life, web and new technology (kind of a geek, I must admit) I had the chance to work on amazing subjects, from IT management to Social Collaboration, I've never ceased to be passionate about what I do. That led me to incredible adventures such as being part of the deployement on 80000 people of an Enterprise Social Network, speak in several conferences on this topic, build a consulting offering from scratch, meet a lot of interesting customers/prospects, participate in many innovation and startup events.

The customer service has always been at the center of my activities whereas as a consultant or when I deployed blueKiwi for Atos and now, even more, with a strong focus to make every of our customer successful with their use of blueKiwi, thanks to all the knowledge acquired in the past years.

Trying to make these subjects pretty cool for students, I'm a regular lecturer at TBS, ISEG and Supinfo. And to keep my mind open, I help organizing the TEDxToulouse :-)

Mes compétences :
Gestion de projet
réseaux sociaux
Réseaux Sociaux d'entreprise
Social Media
Social network


  • SIGFOX - SIGFOX Ready Communications manager

    LABEGE 2015 - maintenant
  • BlueKiwi - Customer Success Manager

    Bezons 2013 - 2015 My job is to help customers to enable the power of blueKiwi within their organizations, make them enjoy the new ways of working and guide them in their social collaboration journey! Working for Albea, Michelin, Poult, SPIE, Allianz, BPCE, CEPAL, Somfy, GEFCO, Ministry of Education of Slovakia, ...

    Still working in the Zero Email project as a Social Collaboration Expert, I'm helping on a daily basis building company-wide strategic to address key topics such as top management engagement, community landscapes, local support, ...
  • Atos Consulting - Consultant

    2011 - 2013 During this timeframe, I had the opportunity to do many jobs in 1 job, around 3 key topics : social collaboration expert, social collaboration sales and IT consulting.

    Social Collaboration :
    - CSP (Community Support Professional) - Zero Email program. Leading stream "Advise / Support Community Leaders". Some of my tasks :
    - Drive business adoption of the Enterprise Social Network (blueKiwi)
    - Champion the transformation of business processes in new ways of working
    - Elaborate the Use Cases in the context of relevant personas and scenarios
    - Promulgate emerging Best Practices across the Group
    - Provide support and guidance to Community Managers, Community Leaders, and Community Moderators
    - Provide training to Ambassadors, Community Managers, Community Leaders, and Community Moderators
    - Top Management advisory

    Social Collaboration Offering :
    - Defining and improving our Social Collaboration offering. Help on market definition (ex : Education). Expertise in several tools as blueKiwi, SocialCast, Jive, Chatter, ...
    - Enterprise Social Network : evangelization about the subject in conferences, customer presentations.
    - Pre-sales : RFP and pre-sales actions (presentations to our prospects, search for business, ...)

    Consulting :
    - Several consulting missions for the CNES (french spatial agency) and Airbus (Customer Services)
    - Social Collaboration / Zero Email offering and consulting
  • La Banque Postale pour Consilium-IT - Chef de projets

    2010 - 2011 - Management of the transverse relationship MOA/MOE
    - Establishment of a Budget, negotiation, budget management
    - Collection and analysis of need, feasibility study
    - Implementation and monitoring of indicators, balance sheets and summaries
    - Management of a project of efficiency improvement for a Service Desk
    - Deployment of an interactive vocal server
    - Project management for an implementation of Landesk (remote control tool)
    - Creation of a service catalog
  • Conseil Général de l'Ariège pour Consilium IT - Consultant Management des SI

    2009 - 2010 Process and Service Desk improvment.
  • Consilium-IT - Consultant Management des SI

    2009 - 2011 Cabinet de conseil spécialisé dans l'implémentation des bonnes pratiques ITIL et gestion de projets :

    - Missions on site et off site ;
    - Participation à la création d'un livre blanc "ITIL et la gouvernance des systèmes d’informations : vers une e-administration Agile" ;
    - Réalisation d'une vidéo décrivant les principes d'ITIL v3 ;
    - Intervention sur différents appels d'offres.
  • Systonic - Chef de projet web

    PESSAC 2008 - 2008 Conduite de projets pour la création, refonte et expertise de sites Internet pour des clients tels que Tisseo, EADS Tests et Services, Conseil Général des Pyrénées Atlantiques. Elaboration de dossiers de spécification, conception détaillée. Gestion de la relation client et des différents intervenants du projet (client, développeurs, designer).
  • Generali - Technicien de niveau 2

    Saint-Denis 2004 - 2006 Résolution de problèmes à distance : technicien de niveau 2. Assistance changement de version des logiciels spécifiques à l’entreprise, déboguage, expertise et déblocage.



Annuaire des membres :