


En résumé

Graduate from Ecole Polytechnique (1989), PhD in Chemistry (1992). Knight of the French National Order of Merit (2010)
Expertise fields: innovation management, entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, creativity, incubation, open innovation, energy transition, digital
Valérie Blanchot Courtois is the business owner of Human Ventures, a training & consulting company she created in 2004 to transform her (then) 12-year experience in innovation management - but also her deep involvement within the start-up world - into economical value for her clients. Human Ventures has developed several short or long incubation programmes whose aims are to accelerate innovation while helping people develop their own soft and technical skills on entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship. She co-founded a start-up in energy transition in 2010 (Dune Solutions, energy dashboards for executives). She has been the transition CEO of GreenLeaf (start-up in domotics) since 2014. She is also a coach to several start-up founding teams. She has been an affiliated professor of SKEMA Business School since 2007 where she manages the SKEMA Cycle Innovation & Connaissance, a programme of twelve conferences/year on disruption. Valerie is also a business angel and has been investing in energy transition start-up since 2010. Prior to that, she spent 12 years (1992-2004) in Gaz de France (now Engie), in which she held various management positions both at corporate and business unit levels.

Mes compétences :
Start up
Développement durable


  • GreenLeaf SAS - Transition CEO

    Sophia-Antipolis 2014 - maintenant GreenLeaf se propose de devenir un acteur reconnu du secteur du bâtiment connecté et intelligent en Europe en démocratisant la domotique (KNX, IP, IoT) pour les installateurs.
    Sa mission est de doper le marché de la domotique et de l’immotique KNX, IP et IoT en mettant à disposition des acteurs du secteur des solutions logicielles et matérielles leur permettant de réduire le cycle d’affaires des projets, d’un point vue marketing, commercial et technique
    Les clients de GreenLeaf sont les distributeurs de matériel électrique.
  • Fédération Femmes 3000 - Vice Présidente

    2008 - 2014
  • SKEMA Business School - Professeure consultante

    Lille 2007 - maintenant Valérie anime depuis 10 ans le Cycle Innovation & Connaissance de SKEMA Business School, un cycle annuel de conférences de 1h30 à destination des entreprises sur le thème de la disruption dans toutes ses dimensions.
  • Femmes 3000 Côte d'Azur - Présidente

    2006 - 2009
  • Human Ventures - Gérante

    2004 - maintenant Human Ventures is a training and consulting company on entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship & innovation management. Its mission is to help decision makers create economic, human and social value while enhancing the human capital of their business units or companies, hence its tagline: “From People Empowerment to Powerful Innovation”.

    Human Ventures’ clients are large enterprises, as well as SMEs, Start-Ups and Start-Up’s incubators.
    Human Ventures has developed several short (1-2 days) or long (from 1 week to several months) programmes whose aims are to accelerate innovation while helping people develop their own soft and technical skills on innovation management. These programmes are built in such a way that their contents can evolve constantly in order to use the best-in-class available methods of innovation management, especially the ones developed for start-ups. Empathy map, value proposition design, ISMA360, lean canvas, business model generation design, lean start-up are the basic tools commonly used by Human Ventures.

    Key Words: innovation management, entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, incubation, social networks, open innovation, business model, value proposition, lean start-up, bootcamp, clean techs, team building
  • Eden - Présidente

    2004 - 2009
  • Gaz de France - Déléguée Générale de Gaz de France Pôle de Sophia Antipolis

    2001 - 2004
  • Gaz de France - Chef de programme de R&D 'Services à la Clientèle et aux collectivités locales'

    2000 - 2001
  • Gaz de France - Adjoint à Chef d'Agence

    1998 - 2000 EDF Gaz de France Distribution Saint-Mandé



Annuaire des membres :