


En résumé

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  • ING Belgium, Brussels, Geneva Branch - Transaction Manager – Oil Desk – Trade & Commodity Finance

    2012 - maintenant -Analyze risks and prepare physical trading operations proposed by the clients (credit, operational, compliance, hedging, freight, transactional liquidation, quality of security...)

    -Secure the structure and implementation of the transactions (monitor the client’s margin and the
    transaction with regard to timely loading of goods, payment of receivables, receipt of contracts and sales instruments…)

    -Daily follow up and administration of such transactions

    -Check of all related documentation (contracts, letters of credit, Bill of Lading...) and of hedging
    strategies (Monitor price risk exposure and hedging positions)

    -Execute Forex Transactions
  • BNP Paribas - Corporate & Investment Banking - Account Officer - Energy & Commodities - Trade Finance

    Paris 2010 - 2012 -Analyze and prepare physical trading operations proposed by the clients (Large independent oil traders)

    -Secure the structure and implementation of the transactions

    -Daily follow up and administration of such transactions

    -Check of all related documentation (Contracts, letters of credit, Bill of Lading...) and of hedging strategies
  • LCF Rothschild Asset Management - Analyst

    2010 - 2010 -Participated in the development of a whole range of active equity, asset allocation and convertible bond solutions targeting EdRAM’s institutional clients

    -Assisted a team of 4 sales persons: due-diligence, competition analysis, client requests, special reports…

    -Assisted the Head of quantitative research in the field of tactical asset allocation and portfolio construction
  • JPMorgan Suisse SA - Cash Management

    2008 - 2009 -Trading Support

    -Managed the cash transfers through the banks’ systems

    -Booked cash transaction into the banking system

    -Implemented cash trade for Front Office
  • Junior Entreprise ESC Grenoble - Chef de Projet Marketing

    2007 - 2008 -Compréhension des besoins des clients

    -Rédaction des questionnaires selon les besoins des clients

    -Recrutement et management des administrateurs de questionnaires

    -Analyse et récolte des résultats de l’étude

    -Réalisation du rapport Client

    -Fournir des recommandations aux clients
  • Sanofi Pasteur - Business Development Assistant

    Lyon 2007 - 2007 -Analyse globale du marché du vaccin sur la zone internationale (produits et tendances)

    -Etude approfondie de chaque concurrent sur le marché internationale (hors USA et UE)

    -Recherche d’informations auprès des filiales des différents pays concernés

    -Rédaction d’un rapport d’activité sur ces différents pays qui a été utilisé comme un outil d’aide à la décision concernant de futures acquisitions d’entreprises ou licences de produits.

    -Création d’un rapport type qui sera renouvelé tous les 2 à 3 ans afin de montrer les évolutions du marché.



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