
Dominique HENOFF


En résumé

Self employed consultant.

Innovation: Innovation management, start-up coaching, "talent" of Miss Mandarine prototype.
eHealth: member of several projects and initiatives, oriented on post hospital at home topics, advanced demos based on ST-Orly with ASTUS apps.
Silicon :Advanced CMOS technology, SOC design (100Mtr to 1Btr), gateways products, performance roadmaps, system bandwidth, 3D integration


  • Self employed - Consultant

    Mumbai 2014 - maintenant Looking for new activities on Innovation, eHealth and SOC design.
  • STMicroelectronics - Advanced Technology & Innovation director

    2008 - 2014 Sustain STB, Gateways and TV product lines with 65nm to 20nm CMOS process on design & IP choices with adequate design platforms (100Mtr to 1000Mtr range). Addressing the "box" complexity thru system integration (system bandwidth, IP performances, 3D packaging, signal integrity, power mngt, ...). In charge of collaborative programms with external partners (France and Europe).
    Leader of the innovation program for Grenoble site (>2000people) thru a Grenoble area ST/STE cluster (~8000people)
  • STMicroelectronics - Interactive Service Solutions R&D director

    2004 - 2007 Develop IPSTB and Cable business unit products for dedicated customers, ramped-up H264 SOC products with DDR interfaces. Managing specifications to layout of designs until production phase. Complexity is coming from 1Mtransistors up to 100M transistors with relevant verification and validation methodologies according to software developments.
    Received European Medea/ENIAC/CATRENE "JP.Noblanc award for excellence" in 2008 for Dual H264 Decode with 3DTV project.
  • STMicroelectronics - Design support manager

    2002 - 2004 Operational responsible in a central team for: Formal verification and modelling, new platform (SPIRIT consortium), interconnect (STBus). Supporting developments and RTL to layout advanced products (180nm down to 65nm). Develop the concept of "Open platform" for RTL2layout with major CAD vendors.
  • STmicroelectronics - SH5 64b core program manager

    1999 - 2001 Codevelopment with Hitachi of the 64bit microprocessor (0.15µm CMOS process) for the SuperH family. Located in San Jose area with teams in Europe, Japan and US.
  • STMicroelectronics - Divisional process coordinator

    1996 - 1999 Coordinate process and design needs in CMOS (0.5µm down to 0.15µm) and BiCmos. Specific focus on advanced CMOS process & design for new microprocessors (ST100, ST231, ST50). Put in place concept of DualVT designs with process validation.
  • STMicroelectronics - Designer and process interface

    1994 - 1996 Chameleon project (64bits core, 0.5µm and 0.35µm CMOS process) responsible for design kits and libraries. Involved in new flow & tools introduction and timing analysis methodology.
  • Bull - Design manager

    Les Clayes-sous-Bois 1984 - 1994 In charge of electrical and design rules in a fabless context. Responsible for SRAM and Cache designs in CMOS and BiCMOS (1.2µm down to 0.5µm) for RISC and CISC machines. Partner of European Jessi program.
  • Matra Communications - Product development technician

    1981 - 1984 Technical management in thick film projects, supplier contacts, budget evaluation, specification and goods-in testing. Analysis of microelectronics technologies. Development of a fax machine built around Z80 and Intel8085 microprocessors, assembler programming.
  • Marine Nationale - Chief petty officer

    Paris 1973 - 1980 Responsible for the maintenance and operation of IBM and UNIVAC computers. Specialized trainings in anti-submarine weapons and computers.


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :