


En résumé

Passionné depuis toujours par la pêche et le monde maritime, j'ai suivi un parcours spécifique m'offrant une vision concrète de cette filière si dynamique et empoignante.

Etat des stocks, aspects géopolitiques, chaîne logistique, organisation de marché, tendances consommateurs... sont autant de variables qu'il faut maîtriser afin de s'adapter en permanence à un environnement stimulant et en perpétuelle évolution.

Mes compétences :
Chaine logistique
Gestion de produit
Développement commercial
Contrôle de gestion
Qualité produit


  • SAPMER - Responsable commercial Europe

    2017 - maintenant Thanks to what I've learned from the field after 5 years at SAPMER, I am now in charge of sales on European territory (processed tuna).

    Main responsabilities focussed on commercial tasks :

    - Management of European customers
    - Analysis of product lines profitability
    - Development of new products and partnership with co-packers
    - Implementation of new sales channels

    CA 2016 : 139.5 M eur
  • SAPMER - Responsable valorisation

    2015 - 2017 Main responsabilities focussed on the product and processing :

    - Management of the team coordinating value-enahcement activty (3 people)
    - Defining fish selection strategy onboard (species, sizes, quality)
    - Improving of processing effciency : productivity, yields, profitability
    - Developing product's specifications according customers needs and factories constraints
    - Production management : production planning and combining quality and quantity variables (fishing is not stable so we have to make decision every day)

    From catch to customer delivery, quality is the key word for the product, the service, ...

    Operating in a dynamic and challenging context, it is necessary to be continuously looking for improvements throughout the value-chain and this is highly stimulating.

    Acquired skills : team management, constant adaptation to a changing environment, decision making
  • SAPMER - Responsable matière première

    2013 - 2015 Main responsabilities focussed on the flow's optimization :

    - Logistic Management: forecasting fish arrivals, anticipating fish quality
    - Sales guiding : orientate the sales by analyzing the raw material situation
    - Stocks management with 2 majors goals : better utilization of raw materials for processing and ensuring no break deliveries for customers

    This multi-task management is essential to enhance technical and financial efficiency of the activity.

    Main interest of this job is to be highly connected throughout the supply chain, which is very formative at all levels.

    Acquired skills : raw material allocation, production management, supply chain management, quality analysis, understanding of customer needs
  • SAPMER - Stage : Optimisation de la supply chain du groupe SAPMER à l'Ile Maurice

    2013 - 2013 Adaptation and formalisation des critères de grading sur le thon : renforcer et standardiser l'évaluation qualité des produits pour la satisfaction client.

    Analyse statistique de la relation "facteur pêche" et "qualité du poisson" afin de prévoir la qualité du thon dans un soucis d'anticipation des productions en usine..

    Optimisation du remplissage des containers à l'export (réduire les coûts) et prédiction du nombre de cartons selon l'article afin de faciliter le travail des équipes logistiques.

    Acquis : Tuna grading, Supply chain management, process poisson surgelé et adaptation à un nouvel environnement de travail
  • Top Atlantique - Stage : référencement fournisseur, programme "Bonne pêche"

    2011 - 2012 Top Atlantique = wholesaler and distributor of seafood on France's western regions.

    (Turnover = € 24 million)

    Meeting with suppliers throughout Brittany (France).
    Data collection : products, mode of production, seasonality, logisitc, key points, specifics aspects...
    Implementing a database for creating sales support tools (suppliers description, geolocalization system, ...)

    Acquired skills : Marketing support for seafood products, Commercial relationship and convincing stakeholders to take part an integrated program.

    This experience also improved my knowledge of seafood fresh market (products origins, pricing, regulations, operations, process, ...) and mains actors in Brittany.



Annuaire des membres :