


En résumé

Site supervisor, Specialist on GIS substations from 11kv to 400kv (4 years on International project / Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East and South America) :

Skills :

- Team management (10 - 20 persons under my responsability)
- Interfacing function with the customer
- Coordination
- Teamwork
- Compliance with safety rules of the company

Clearance to work : B2V/H2V (TBT-BT/HTA-HTB), BR (TBT-BT) and BC/HC (TBT-BT/HTA-HTB)

Certifications : Certification 8DA/8DB 33kv GIS, Certification 8DN9-0 / 8DQ1-0 (220kv / 400kv GIS), Certification overhead crane operator, Certification work at height

Machine used : TM1800 (CB timing), Megger contact resistance, Dilo machine (SF6 gas treatment), MBW (gas analyser), DILO SF6 detector, PD sensor test

Mes compétences :
Gestion des installations
Haute tension
Moyenne tension


  • Renault - Project Coordinator

    Boulogne-Billancourt 2016 - maintenant
  • Vulcain Ingénierie - Chef de chantier

    NEUILLY SUR SEINE 2016 - 2016
  • Vulcain Ingénierie - Superviseur chantier

    NEUILLY SUR SEINE 2015 - 2016 Erection, commissioning and management of GIS substations (132kv & 380kv) for Alstom Grid (Aix les bains, France) :

    - Meeting with customer in the beginning of erection
    - Inventory of all material at site
    - Verification whether all openings are closed (zero dust as per company rules)
    - Marking and level checking
    - Training on safety risks
    - Training for all technicians on the products
    - Erection
    - SF6 gas filling and cabling
    - Commissioning

    Skills :

    - Team management (20 persons)
    - Training (as per Alstom requirement)
    - Compliance with safety rules of the company
    - Interfacing function with the customer
    - Coordination
  • Iota Groupe - Superviseur chantier

    Mies 2011 - 2015 Erection, commissioning, maintenance, management of GIS substations (11kv, 33kv, 220kv & 400kv) for SIEMENS T&D (Grenoble, France) and specialist on the active parts of the circuit breakers (Refurbishment 8DQ1) :

    - Preparation of preliminary work at SIEMENS factory
    - Meeting with customer in the beginning of erection
    - Inventory of all material at site
    - Verification whether all openings are closed (zero dust as per company rules)
    - Marking and level checking
    - Training on safety risks
    - Training for all technicians on the products
    - Erection
    - SF6 gas filling and cabling
    - Commissioning
    - Presence for high voltage testing ( as per requirement of final custusmer)
    - Signature site reports
    - Site closing

    Skills :

    - Team management (5 - 10 persons under my responsability)
    - Training (as per SIEMENS T&D requirement)
    - Compliance with safety rules of the company
    - Interfacing function with the customer
    - Coordination
  • Tryom Marketing - Enquêteur

    Lanester 2011 - 2011 Tryom Marketing :

    Enquête satisfaction sur l’ensemble du réseau de transport de l’agglomération grenobloise

  • Germain Debon - Câbleur

    2010 - 2011 Germain Debon GRENOBLE SASSENAGE :

    Câbleur : câblages d’armoire électrique HT et BT
  • Peintamelec - Câbleur

    2010 - 2010 Peintamelec GRENOBLE URIAGE:

    Câbleur : câblages d’armoire électrique BT
  • Schneider Electric - Opérateur de montage

    Rueil Malmaison 2010 - 2010 Schneider Electric GRENOBLE MEYLAN:

    S.A.V plateforme technique Schneider Electric : saisie informatique des produits retour clients Opérateur de production : Montage et test fonctionnel des appareils de protection et de contrôle
  • Transisère - Agent d'accueil

    2010 - 2010 Transisère gare routière GRENOBLE :

    Accueil, renseignement et diffusion des informations aux passagers

  • Schneider Electric - Opérateur de production

    Rueil Malmaison 2008 - 2008 Schneider Electric Meylan :

    Opérateur de production : Montage et test fonctionnel des appareils de protection et de contrôle


  • Lycée Pablo Neruda

    St Martin D'Heres 2007 - 2010 BTS Electrotechnique
  • Ecole Des Métiers De L'Energie Paul Louis Merlin (Saint Martin D'Hères)

    Saint Martin D'Hères 2005 - 2007 BAC STI Electrotechnique

  • Lycée Francoise Dolto vam

    St Egreve 2003 - 2005 BEP Electrotechnique


Annuaire des membres :