
Baptiste VACHET


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Gestion de projet


  • SBM Offshore - Maintenance Leader - OPS - ANGOLA

    SCHIEDAM 2014 - 2016
  • Cegelec Oil & Gas - Deputy Operation & Maintenance Manager - ANGOLA

    saint denis 2013 - 2014
  • Cegelec Oil&Gas - Engineering Student

    saint denis 2009 - 2013 Oil & Gas Maintenance Support (Spot Mission)

    Nigeria - Deputy Contract Representative
    Start of USAN FPSO Maintenance Contract
     Reporting (MoM, Weekly meeting, ...)
     Mobilization Part
    - recrutment link to cost management
    - important percentage of nationalization
     Planning coordination
     Client Relation

     Answer to Offshore needs
     Reactivity

    Creation of an “Economic gauging tool” for sizing Maintenance & Inspection Engineering contracts (MIEC)
     Benchmark Study (cost, man-hour, …)
     MIEC feedback analysis

    Angola - FPSO Dalia and Girassol, TOTAL Angola
    Reliability studies for GIRASSOL FPSO
     Definition of critical elements
     Proposal of maintenance solution
     Preparation of report
    SCE « safety critical elements » for DALIA
     Definition of SCE
     Preparation of perform standard

    Nigeria - USAN Project USAN for TOTAL Nigeria
     Development of a RCM Study Part
     Optimization Study
  • EADS Sogerma - Advanced Technician Student

    Colomiers 2007 - 2009 Deputy of head of the Facility Management and Industrial Department

    Located in Mérignac (33 - France). Site is in charge of ATR 42 and 72 planes assembly line for wings.

    My Mission were to follow up production, facilities modification and maintenance activities coordination.

     Statutory controls
     Implementation of follow-up and management of maintenance range
     TPM solutions study, applied on sites
     Revamping production tools



Annuaire des membres :