


En résumé

I am a 13 years’ experience in security network and system deployment and administration. For the French administration and the Orange group: 6 years for the University of the Sorbonne and 7 in the security division of Orange Business Services. The first part of my career, I have in a small team architected, deployed and managed network and security equipment as well as application servers on behalf of Parisian university.
Then for 5 years I held an expert support position for security deals of Orange Business Services, managing up to 400 clients and 6000 equipment. Finally, for Orange Cyber Defense a new subsidiary of Orange, I have 2 years part-time as security engineer to develop offers around the SIEM, DDOS protection and Qualys vulnerability scanning (definition of offers, pre-sales demonstration, training L1 L2 etc. ...) while continuing support for strategic customers

Mes compétences :
Linux Red Hat
Dedicated support
Sun Solaris
Pre sales
system deployment and administration
develop offers
continuing support
call support
Wifi network design and implementation
Security scan analysis
Security incident analysis
Security Lab implementation
LDAP system implementation
IDS deployment
Cisco network administration
Cisco Switches/Routers
Apache WEB Server


  • Orange - SIEM Security Expert

    Paris 2014 - maintenant Development of Orange CyberSOC operational SOC of Orange CyberDefense
    * SIEM use case definition and development. ;
    * Security Lab implementation for learning, testing and demonstration. ;
    * Level 1 and level 2 process definition.
    * Dedicated support for critical customer. ;
    * Technical definition of Orange Cyber Defense new offers (SIEM, Qualys scanner, DDOS protection). ;
    * Implementation of Orange Cyber Defense new offers (SIEM, Qualys scanner, DDOS protection). ;
    * Analysis and report on security incident.

    * Demonstration of SIEM HP Arcsight in Orange Europe Kick Off ;
    * Demonstration of Orange DDOS protection service for French Ministery of Defense ;
    * Demonstration in presales for SIEM (BBCW, Safran, Total etc ...)

    Technology : HP arcsight,IBM Qradar, Arbor, Qualys, Hacking tools.
  • Orange - Senior support & expert

    Paris 2009 - 2013 expert in Orange Secure Gateway

    * Dedicated support for critical customer (
    * Dedicated support for crisis incident ;
    * Supervision and training of junior L2 support ;
    * Week-end and night On-call support

    * 3 week team learning in Mauritius Island

    Technology : Checkpoint, Juniper, Fortinet, Bluecoat, Ironport, F5 BigIP, Radware, Trend Micro, McAfee
  • Sorbonne university - Network system and security administrator

    2002 - 2008 System, network and security
    * Wifi network design and implementation (1st French university in EDUROAM project)
    * LDAP system implementation
    * IDS deployment (SNORT, PRELUDE)
    * Cisco network administration ;
    * Linux servers administration (Redhat servers) ;
    * SIP test platform (Asterisk) ;
    * Messaging (SENDMAIL) and HTTP (APACHE) servers migration from Solaris to Redhat ;
    * Security scan analysis (NESSUS, NMAP) ;
    * Security incident analysis for RENATER (national research and education network)

    * Speech in JRES days on legal aspect of logs in Wifi Network ;
    * ISSM assistant

    Technology : Linux Redhat, Solaris, Cisco, Open Source Software.



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