


En résumé

I worked in different industries but always linked to the maritime/ offshore environment. I have a strong experience in project management and an important technical background in repair, maintenance and conversions of different types of vessels. All projects are different but I adapt myself and I try to find solutions. My added value is that I know how to combine leading technical and operational expertise and I try to improve my work every day.
My career objective is to work on some of the industry's most exciting projects and experience opportunities like never before.

Project Management:

• Scope delivery with a high quality level, on time, on budget and without HSE events, including all aspects of a project from the design stage through to the completion and handover to the client, and all day-to-day operational management
• Identification and evaluation of the risks associated with Project activities and appropriate measures implementation
• Management of project staff by providing direction, input and feedback; driving cross – functional project team
• Tenders preparation and monitoring of various projects for new buildings and / or technical stops
• Sourcing, manufacturing and commissioning of various equipment and systems for different types of vessels (military and civil)
• Clients, Suppliers and sub-contractors negotiation
• Cost control and cost reduction actions/ studies
• Project evaluation in order to assess the strengths and to identify areas for improvement (lessons learned) and SMART KPI’s implementation


• Technical support to project execution from design to commissioning including systems and technologies performances, cost and delivery targets
• Propulsion systems, energy efficiency, electrical distribution networks, communications and navigation systems.

Mes compétences :
Management de projet
Gestion de projet
Navires ou autres
Marine engines
Machines tournantes
Energies renouvelables


  • CGGVeritas - Project manager

    Paris 2012 - maintenant
    • Vessel Technical stops preparation and execution, including: budget and planning preparation, technical review of scope of work for maritime and seismic, tenders preparation, shipyard/ subcontractors benchmark and on site project follow-up
    • Vessels lay-up preparation and location benchmark
    • Shipyards and vessels HSE audits
    • Annual projects planning and budget preparation including different, scenarios and scope of work for entire fleet
    • Set –up and follow-p SMART KPI’s for technical stops department

  • VINCI ENERGIES - Project Manager

    Montesson 2011 - 2012

    •International project ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor)
    •Tender preparation for Offshore wind power plant/ French coast (GDF – AREVA - VINCI group)
    •225 KV PACA power line feasibility study (France)
    •225 KV power line feasibility study (between France - Italie)
  • VINCI ENERGIES - Project manager

    Montesson 2007 - 2011
    • Engine, navigation and aviation control cabinets – French Navy ship Mistral Type (Bateau de projection et commandment type Mistral - DIXMUDE)
    • OPV Gowind vessel
    Development and implementation of a monitoring system for drones landing and piloting (SADA)
    • Technical Stops for military vessels in France and overseas («PRAIRIAL», « LA TAPAGEUSE », «BEAUTEMPS BEAUPRE »)
    • Refitting/ Major maintenance of oceanographic and hydrographic research vessel ("ATALANTE"/ IFREMER)
    • Propulsion/ Electrical systems packages for surfers - Bourbon (in Nigeria) and tuna vessels (in Vietnam)
    • Design/ Study/ Sourcing/manufacturing/ Commissioning/ Class certification of various electrical equipment and systems for different types of vessels (military and civil)
    • Tender preparation and monitoring of various projects for new buildings and / or technical stops
  • GREAH, LE HAVRE - Trainee

    2006 - 2006 Intership: Research laboratory Group in Electrical engineering and Automation (GREAH), University of Le Havre, France
    Topic: "Design, modeling and simulation of permanent magnet synchronous generator using the finite element method (2D and 3D FLUX). Validation data for 1.1 KW generator. "
  • STX OSV - Electrical engineer

    2006 - 2007 • Studies of production networks and power distribution
    • Design/ Study/ manufacturing/ commissioning of specific equipment
    • Coordination on board and installation commissioning
  • GREAH, LE HAVRE - Trainee

    2005 - 2005 Intership: Research laboratory Group in Electrical engineering and Automation (GREAH), University of Le Havre, France
    Topic: "Wind power system for autonomous plant. Structure and analysis of operation, study in the MATLAB environment. Validation of the proposed solutions for the generator system and the global network."


Annuaire des membres :