
Charlotte BESSIERE


En résumé

En tant que Chef de Produit, Charlotte est responsable des offres, et spécialisée dans la technologie de l'évaporation et de la cristallisation. Charlotte determine la meilleure strategie pour repondre au besoin du client, puis plannifie et coordonne toutes les activités d'ingenierie pour produire la meilleure offre. Elle est un membre clé de l'équipe de vente. Charlotte travaille pour la division Chimie du bureau GEA de Baltimore aux Etats Unis.

Mes compétences :
Génie des Procédés
Evaporation et Crystallization
Être à l’écoute
Esprit d’analyse et de synthèse


  • GEA Process Engineering - Product Manager

    Saint-Quentin 2017 - maintenant
  • Veolia Water Technologies - Tender Manager - Sales

    Wissous 2014 - 2016 • Participate to the bid strategy; Define and manage the bid response schedule and lead the team of internal and external resources to ensure timely completion of all requirements.
    • Attend key client meetings to support proposal presentation, understand client needs/desires, and improve HPD proposals to ensure successful outcomes.
    • Develop and maintain tools for the support of sales and process group efforts, including budgetary costing, standard proposals, supporting documentation, etc.

    • Supported the sales manager for the sale of a Design Build Operate & Maintain project over 230M$ value for an Oil & Gas company, including biological treatment, sludge dewatering, softening, UV disinfection and evaporation/crystallization technology in the Oil and Gas industry. Recognized by the annual Sales Synergy Award by the CEO of my company. Direct involvement in the project estimate and bid strategy.
    • Teamed up with the sales manager for the sale of a 50M$ project in Canada: met with the client at early stage, and lead the bid response to produce a proposal that meets the demanding Oil and Gas industry requirements, acknowledged as one of the reason for winning the sale by the client.
    • Leading the sales efforts for a project involving softening system and evaporation for wastewater discharge and a project in Food and Beverage (projects 5-10M$, currently pursued)
    • Generated a dozen of order of magnitude proposals with associated follow up with clients and engineering company. Saved Sales Managers precious time by qualifying real opportunities while being responsive to general requests.
  • Veolia Water Technologies - Research Engineer

    Wissous 2011 - 2014 • Conducted research at laboratory and pilot scale to optimize process performance related to HPD Evaporation and Crystallization Technology
    • Designed experiments, interpreted data and reported results both verbally and in writing to the industrial partners
    • Managed the Intellectual Property portfolio for the business unit: function as a technical liaison between the patent attorney and the inventors providing prior art searches and technical advice. Responsible for the research and monitoring of the competitors IP.

    • Conducted an extensive 5 months research project on the fate of volatile compounds in the treatment of produced water by evaporation (Canadian Heavy Oil Market, SAGD Industry) that lead to the sale of a 500M$ mega project. Presented the results to the client. Supervised an intern during the research project.
    • Evaluated a new drying technology applied to the SAGD Industry and managed testing at bench and pilot scale. Author of a patent granted in the US and Canada related to this new technology.
    • Created and lead the Patent Committee of the business unit. Manages prosecution and expenses of over 150 patents and patent applications. Advised the CEO on sensitive competitors IP. Created easy procedure to file new invention and protect the BU's intellectual property.
  • Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des Systèmes Biologiques et des Procédés - INSA Toulouse - Doctorante

    2007 - 2010 Expériences à échelle laboratoire:
    - Filtration membranaire d'un fluide synthétique complexe
    - Caractérisation écoulement intermittent à poches en conduite verticale
    - Caractérisation hydrodynamique locale autour de membranes immergées en milieu confiné
    - lien entre performances membranaires et hydrodynamique locale liée à l'aération, en filtration
    - Elaboration du cahier des charges d'un pilote de filtration innovant - gestion de projet pour la construction du pilote - relation fournisseurs

    Simulations numériques (CFD ou mécanique des fluides numérique) en milieu diphasique en géométrie confinée

    Communication scientifique:
    - rapports d'avancement semestriels
    - rédaction d'article en vue de publication dans journaux scientifiques
    - participation à des congrès nationaux et internationaux
    - organisation d'un workshop "CFD applied to membrane processes" - partenaires universitaires et industriels internationaux
  • Total - Stage Master 2 R

    COURBEVOIE 2007 - 2007 Etude expérimentale et analytique (5mois) sur la séparation liquide-liquide au sein de réservoir de type Wash Tank



Annuaire des membres :