


En résumé

I am certified Hatha Yoga teacher registered with Yoga Alliance and International Yoga Federation. I started practicing Yoga from 13 years already including 8 years practicing and studying Iyengar style with 1 year pre-training as a Yoga Teacher before to leave for Thailand.
Then unfortunately I have had an accident and during more 1 year all my right side from head to toes was almost paralysed, I recovered day by day because of Yoga!!
So, now I joined numerous workshops in Thailand and Europe.
I learned from Faecq Biria, Prasad Rangnekar, Cora Wen, Sebastien Pucelle, Victor Chng, James D’Silva.

I am certified as well Prenatal Yoga by Pilates Studios Bangkok, Anusara Yoga level 3, Anma massage. Certified By American Council on Exercise (ACE) training Older Adults and Pregnant and Post-Partum Clients, certified Yoga for children (from their 3 years old until teen), certified Garuda matwork Foundation.

I joined as well numerous Asthanga Workshops here in Thailand.
I am always interested in new ways of approaching my practice and teaching. I want to give in return what I received from my Guru years round, I teach care and maintenance of the body for all ages through alignment and core strength building and encourage a healthy joint. I teach with compassion and joy.

I used to give classes early morning in park, most of my students are over 60 years old, I focus to give them a enjoyable moment with gentle postures often practicing 2 by 2 or in a circle, they feel more secure and stable, I focus above all with Therapy Yoga, some have high blood pressure, arthritis, and I stimulate their memory.

In my class, I promote Ying Yoga targets the connective tissues such as the ligaments, bones and even the joints of the hips, pelvis and lower spine. Restorative Yoga, (such as Iyengar Yoga we use props), focuses on relaxation, renewal, effortlessness and ease,Therapeutic Yoga to release and alleviate chronic pain using as well some props, and of course some Yang yoga such as Vinyasa or Hatha Yoga . I use to call my classes Yin Yang Yoga as we all need both to balance our mind and body.

Recently I applied for 500 hours training in Vancouver, Semperviva Studio in Yin Yoga training with Bernie Clarck , Restorative Yoga ith Tianne Allan, Asthanga Philosophy and Vipassana Zen with Michael Stone and still learning from Cora Wen Yoga Therapy.

I give private and group class for pregnant ladies and classes for workers and children. I give Anma massage 3 times a week.
I teach to parents Shantala baby Massage for their new born.

I speak French, Spanish, English and thaie.

Mes compétences :
Shantala massage Bébé


  • ChristineYoga - Professeur de yoga

    2012 - maintenant Cours À Kremlin-Bicètre au Studio Diabolo 46 avenue de Fontainebleau à partir du mardi 10 septembre 2013

    Lundi 18h - 19h Yin Yoga
    Mardi 12h - 13h Yin Yang Yoga tous niveaux
    Jeudi 17h - 18h Yoga Prénatal
    Samedi 10-11h Yin Yang tous niveaux

    Cours À ICM Pitié Salpétrière reprendront à partir du lundi 23 septembre 2013
    Lundi 12h15 - 13h45
    Mardi 19h - 20h30

    Cours à Redearth Centre 235 rue Lafayette métro Jaures ou Louis-Blanc

    Mercredi 18h / 19H15 Yoga prénatal sur réservation
    mercredi 19h30 / 21h00 Yin Yoga
    Vendredi 18h / 19h30 Restorative Yoga
  • ChristineYoga - Professeur de Yoga

    2012 - maintenant I am certified Hatha Yoga teacher registered with Yoga Alliance and International Yoga Federation and certified as well Prenatal Yoga by Pilates Studios Bangkok, Anusara Yoga level 3, Anma massage. Certified By American Council on Exercise (ACE) training Older Adults and Pregnant and Post-Partum Clients. RainbowKidsYoga certified.
    So I give numerous private classes for pregnant ladies and Therapeutic Yoga such a private class for breast cancer survivor, depression, anxiety..

    I give class as well in Resorts during peak seasons.

    I am going during this August 2013 in Vancouver for one month residential Yoga Intensive teacher training 500h at Semperviva Studio learn with Tianne Lane , Mickael Stone and Bernie Clark.
    Still leaning with Cora Wen for Yoga therapy 180h
  • Hôte 5* l KIRIDARA Laos - YOGA TEACHER

    2011 - 2011 Organiser des cours 2 fois par jour, matin et soir pour la clientèle de l'hôtel et cours privés à la demande, cours en anglais.


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :