


En résumé

Diplômée en Restauration Conservation, je me suis spécialisée dans les Arts Graphiques et Documents Anciens. Les nombreux stages effectués dans la fonction publique, dans le privé, en France et à l'étranger, m'ont permis d'acquérir une grande expérience et de travailler sur divers supports et cas de figure.
L'Atelier Empreinte du temps a ouvert ses portes le 1ier Décembre 2012 à Strasbourg. Nous sommes spécialisé dans la restauration du papier et du parchemin.
Les Arts Graphiques et Documents anciens englobent un large domaine de compétences: manuscrits, rouleaux, dessins, pastels, aquarelle ou gouache sur papier, papier calque, imprimés, archives, affiches, plans et cartes, estampes, parchemins, éventails, paravents et bien d'autres objets ou documents.
Nous travaillons en collaboration avec Maurice Salmon et l'Atelier Valenta qui traitent du livre.

Etre restaurateur, c'est garder une certaine humilité face aux biens que l'on nous confie. J'ai toujours privilégié la rencontre, l'échange et l'expérience. C'est une quête perpétuelle de nouvelles connaissances. La collaboration avec d'autres artisans est nécessaire. Garder les yeux ouverts sur l'évolution du métier, échanger et toujours apprendre plus pour atteindre l'excellence.


  • Atelier Empreinte du temps - Conservation-Restauration des Arts Graphiques, Documents Anciens et Livres

    2012 - maintenant
  • Book and Paper Conservation Studio, Judith Maria Wiesner, England, UK - Paper and Book Restorer

    2012 - 2012 Restoration/Conservation of Book, Archives, Engravings, Drawings, Manuscripts etc.
  • Institut de Physique Chimie des Matériaux (CNRS) - Scientist-Paper Restorer

    2012 - 2012 Working on a Scientific Experience about the use of Kaolinite (clay) for Paper Conservation:
    - SEM, X Diffraction, Spectrometry IR and UV etc.
  • Jewish Museum of Prague (Czech Republic) - As a Book and Paper Restorer

    2011 - 2011 - Restoration of several book: with Parchment binding, half leather binding, paper binding
    - Restoration of engravings and drawings
    - Making some conservation pockets and boxes
  • Musée de Bastia - Internship in Conservation and collection maintenance

    2011 - 2011 The Museum had been renovated. The staff undertakes the global inventory of the Museum Collection.
    They entrust me the task of:
    - doing condition reports for every documents and artefacts from the Graphic Art Collection (engraving, archives, manuscripts, photograph, drawings, maps etc)
    - Recommendations on conditionings, storage, conservation materials, boxes etc.
    - Reorganization of the stocks
    - Inventory with the software "Micro Musée"
  • National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh) - Internship in Paper and Book Restoration

    2010 - 2010 As a Paper Restorer from the 26th of June to the 27th of August 2010:
    - Series of disbinding and Pamphlet bindings or Encapsulation
    - Dismounting of two framed (+window mounts) maps
    - Series of manuscripts repairs and rebinding on Manilla
    - Doing drop spine and dropside boxes and a special boxes for a little book and its leather cover
    (making a conservation folder in a drop spine boxes)
    - Mould treatment
    - Rebacking three books with leather and one more in half binding (buckram/leather)
    - Dusting a series of watercolours and mounting it on window mount
    - Series of encapsulations in Polyester (Mylar)
    - Gilding with gold leaves on leather or on boxes/buckram (with an iron)
  • Bibliothèque Nationale Universitaire de Strasbourg (BNUS) - Internship in Book Restoration

    2009 - 2009 As a Paper Restorer from the 9th to 20th of April 2009:
    - Dismounting, dusting, flattening, mending or repairing the pages, rebinding the books on
    Conservation Bindings (1/2 buckram or buckram, and marbled paper)
    - Reassembling two parts of a cut map and relining on tension
    - Learning different kind of headbands (with leather threads)
  • Au Cabinet des Estampes des Musées de la ville de Strasbourg - Internship in Graphic Art Conservation

    2009 - 2009 As a Paper Restorer from the 26th of October to the 6th of November 2009:
    - Dusting mission all the collection of the Engraving Surgery
    - Putting it in conservation boxes (from stouls)
  • Atelier Rita Udina (Restauration Conservation des Arts Graphiques) - Internship in Paper and Book Restoration

    2009 - 2009 From the 24th of July to the 25th of Septembre 2009:
    - Two vellum binding on four cord bands with the restoration of the books (disbinding, dusting,
    cleaning, deacidifying, drying, repairing and mending the pages, rebinding on bands, recovering with
    - Restoration of a series of three huge Indian ink drawings on paper mounted on canvas
    - Removing stains on engravings
    - Removing adhesive tapes stains and repairing a little blue book (booklet’s backs, edges and boards)
    - Carrying out bellows for three catalogues and dusting/cleaning the boards in engraved leather
  • Centre Inter régional de Conservation du Livre (CICL) à Arles - Internship in Paper and Parchment Restoration

    2008 - 2008 As a Paper Restorer from the 29th of October to the 6th of November 2008:
    - Restoration of manuscript parchments (scrolls, or folios): cleaning, flattening, loss treatments,
    encapsulation and carry out some boxes and protective cases
    - Relining and flattening some maps
    - Doing some four-flaps-boxes (conservation)
    - Removing a passed restoration on illegible oxidised manuscripts (removing the relining Japanese
    paper) and repairing the tears (reinforcing)
    - Removing canvas from paper documents (maps)
  • Archives Municipales de Lyon - Internship in Paper Restoration

    2008 - 2008 As a Paper Restorer from the 11th to the 29th of August 2008:
    - Restoration of tracing papers (flattening under Gore-Tex, repairing and encapsulation)
    - Restoration of huge political posters, and cinema posters (relining, and repairing, fragment
    - Restoration of maps (repairing tears, mending the losses)


  • École De Condé ( PARIS ) (Strasbourg)

    Strasbourg 2007 - 2012 Restauration Conservation des Arts Graphiques (Papier/Parchemin)


Annuaire des membres :