


En résumé

With a Masters Degree in Management and Business Studies, where I specialized in Strategy and Marketing, I have developped trilngual communication skills with a diversity of professional and academic experiences.
Organizing events and presenting products or services to customers in an international environment is what I am most looking for.

Mes compétences :
Customer relationship
Events coordination
Microsoft Project
Microsoft Project Management


  • Acadomia - Teacher in English, French and Spanish

    Paris 2011 - maintenant
  • Petrus Communications - Account Executive

    Bancourt 2010 - maintenant Marketing, external communication, project management and recruitment consulting in an international environment:
    Promotion of Airbus student contest Fly Your Ideas towards worldwide universities.
    Marketing and networking in a stand at international events (Berlin ILA Airshow, Farnborough International Airshow, EAIE 2010).
    Marketing search and Media plans for large recruiters.
    Partnership building with Business Schools worldwide.
    Elaboration of a tutored project for the creation of a Summer School for Sustainable Development.
  • TOTAL S.A. - Internal Comunication for Petroleum Architects

    COURBEVOIE 2008 - maintenant Creation of a Newsletter for international petroleum architects.
    Assisting organisation of an international seminar for engineers.
    Organisation and data management for internal engineers trainings.
    Surveys and feedback to implement changes in such events and trainings.
    Bilingual job offers conceptualisation.
  • Museo Regina, Cordoba, Espagne - Trilingual Communication and Marketing assistant

    2006 - maintenant Promotion and partnership building with European tourism groups.
    Tour guides in Spanish, English and French.
    Tour guides and animations adapted to primary school groups.
    Statistics of visitors' nationalities and medias channels to establish Marketing strategic position of the museum.
    Daily accountancy.
    Providing advice and information to customers.
  • Demeure Historique - Assistant Communication

    2006 - maintenant External and internal communication towards association members and governmental administrations.
    Promotional activities and offering incentives to establish more memberships.
    Management of rewards deliveries for active members (prix Sotheby's').
  • UWIC University of Wales Institute of Cardiff - Assisting Head of Department with marketing and communication

    2006 - maintenant External communication and promotion of the university through UK and France.
    Building satisfaction surveys and feedbacks.
    Internal communication:
    Animating spanish and french lectures.
    Database management for student projects, attendance and Dissertations.
  • Société d'Editions de Revues - Trainee Communication and Marketing

    2005 - maintenant Internal and external communication:
    Preparation and organisation of a conference.
    Promoting and selling speakers' books and articles during the conference.
    Promotional activities and prospecting search for newspapers.


  • Canterbury Christ Church University College (Canterbury)

    Canterbury 2007 - 2010 Business Studies, Management and Marketing

    Bachelor and Masters

    Business School


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