
Dimitri BOUCHE


En résumé

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  • Ircam - PhD Student

    2013 - maintenant "Scheduling and flow control computation in Computer-Assisted Composition"

    This PhD., though financed by the EDITE (computer science doctoral school of Paris), takes place in the ANR EFFICAC(e) research project framework (ANR JS-13-0004).
    (for more informations, go to &
  • Ircam - Stagiaire

    2013 - 2013 "Making OpenMusic's audio architecture dynamic."

    This work has been done in the ANR INEDIT research project framework (ANR-2012-CORD-009-03).
    I developed a player/scheduler in Common Lisp, with C bindings relying on LibAudioStream (, an audio library developed at GRAME.
    Also, I developed the "OM-Faust" library, a free OpenMusic library for programming and controlling Faust sound processing in OpenMusic.
  • Widoobiz - Stagiaire

    Paris 2012 - 2012 I mostly worked as a production assistant: studio recordings, audio&video editings etc.
    I also made some web development, and implemented a more portable and compatible audio player using HTML5 and Javascript.
    Finally, I worked as an audio designer and made a range of jingles for multiple radio programmings.
  • EDF R&D - Stagiaire

    CLAMART 2011 - 2011 I designed and produced a portable electronic device to perform real-time measurement and provide efficient feedback. Due to professional secrecy, the type of measured data cannot be described here.
    The electronic circuit was designed on a CAD software. It was then produced including a Seeeduino©.
    All the control side was implemented in C-like programming language (Arduino language based on C/C++).
    The product was then benchmarked.
  • Complétude - Intervenant Pédagogique

    Paris 2010 - 2013 Intervenant Pédagogique en Sciences



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