


En résumé

6 années d’expérience à Londres et à Paris sur des sites internationaux, maîtrise de tous les outils e-commerce. Forte de 3 ans d’expérience chez l’un des plus gros détaillants du Royaume-Uni dans le domaine de la mode. Fortes capacités d'analyse, de synthèse et d'organisation, attitude positive et esprit orienté résultat.

Mes compétences :
Business Objects
Email Marketing
Digital marketing
Online Marketing



    2015 - maintenant Développer le trafic payant pour l’acquisition de nouveaux propriétaires (annonces) et locataires (demandes de locations) sut toutes les zones géographiques.

    Mesure et suivi des performances d’acquisition pour chaque segments (zones géographiques, devices, navigateurs, langues,etc.) : reporting et analyse (trafic, users, ads, relations, etc.) ;

    Mesure et suivi des performances business pour chaque zones : adéquation entre le volume d’offre et de demandes, rentabilité des investissements par leviers et zones ;

    Valider les mécaniques d’acquisition, optimiser l’existant : tunnels de conversion (landing page, recherche, demandes de locations, dépôts d’annonce) ;
  • Roomlala - Business Developer, English areas

    2014 - 2015 ● Définition d’une stratégie marketing et gestion du budget
    ● Création et supervision de l'équipe de Marketing
    ● Négociation de partenariats / Achat d'espaces publicitaires / Animation du site / Mise en
    place des opérations de marketing direct et marketing viral ;
    ● Optimisation du trafic qualifié Internet : liens sponsorisés (Adwords, Bing, etc.),
    référencement naturel (S.E.O), animation des outils issus du Web 2.0, analyse du
    comportement des visiteurs ;
    ● Mise en place des outils et moyens nécessaires à un référencement optimal dans les
    moteurs de recherche et en assurer le suivi ;
    ● Reporting, analyse et optimisation des investissements (tracking, ROI, etc.) ;
    ● Veille technologique et concurrentielle.
  • Monsoon Accessorize - International E-Commerce Manager

    London 2011 - 2014 Role Purpose
    Develop the E-commerce International growth strategy to drive improvements and growth in the e-commerce customer channel.
    To maximise the ability to deliver the global E-commerce growth plans within each International market through the design and delivery of websites which support Brand loyalty both culturally, aesthetically and transitionally.
    To manage new international websites, ensuring they are embedded into the Company successfully; and a transparent and robust process is in place for the migration of new sites into the wider E-commerce team trading workflow to meet current and future departmental and business KPI’s.
  • Essential Care Ltd - European Brand Manager, LONDON (UK)

    2009 - 2011 • Alongside the Business Development Director, creating the strategy and budget for European marketing activities.
    • Management of Essential Care French, German and UK website content to include ongoing product updates, media coverage, SEO, blogging, directory listings, video clips, fact sheet creation & publication .
    • PPC and other advertising management where appropriate.
    • Organising promotional partnerships with other media and product companies (reader offers, competitions etc.).
    • Press and media relations for France.
    • Coordination of newsletters and all printed promotional materials for UK, French and German customer bases.
    • Customer care / sales support for France and Germany (trade and private customers).
    • Identifying and marketing to new trade clients in France.
    • Manage creation and distribution of sales materials for customers in France and Germany.
    • Coordinating customer surveys as required.
    • Providing support for Business Development Director with marketing tools to European distributors (website content, press summaries, promotional material, best practice sharing).
    • Organise exhibition attendance as required.
    • Assisting with packaging updates.
    • Analysis of return on investment of all marketing activities.
  • MAN Roland AG - Marketing Assistant, AUGSBURG (Germany)

    2008 - 2008 3 months employment: Customer satisfaction survey, Market forecasts
  • Prosar Canada Inc. - Marketing Assistant, OTTAWA (Canada)

    2007 - 2007 3 months internship: Market Research for a German manufacturer in North America, Creative campaigns for clients
  • Essential Care Ltd - Product Manager Assitant, LONDON (UK)

    2006 - 2006 2 months internship: Research into potential export markets, Preparation of new products’ launch
  • Logona Naturkosmetik GmbH - Marketing Assistant, HANOVER (Germany)

    2005 - 2005 2 months internship: Market research on organic cosmetics in Germany, Retailer satisfaction survey



Annuaire des membres :