


En résumé

I am a skilled senior executive in international business development with a proven track record in creating profitable businesses. I am accustomed to performing in turbulent market conditions. I have a deep knowledge of consumer sales, direct and indirect channel distribution, and will manage business complexity at a fast pace while having a clear sense of end goals and corporate priorities.

Mes compétences :
International management


  • BICGS - Manager

    2009 - maintenant I created the company with a team of confident senior associates chosen for their global experience and ability to deliver solutions of value in diverse areas such as business development, end to end project management, cutting edge marketing, company motivational behaviour development, environmental management systems audits, off shoring and channel events.

    2009 - 2010 Cut costs, closed offices and provided EMEA development plan to return to positive EBITA in 12 months, incumbent duties are full P&L responsibility, guaranteeing shareholder equity value, legal, manufacturing, sales and marketing operations. Hunting out EMEA customer base and setup of manufacturing.
  • IMAS-MRI - Recruiting C level

    2009 - maintenant - Engaged in C-level recruitment for IT, Pharma and Retail
  • Hewlett-Packard - General manager

    Les Ulis 1987 - 2009 World-Wide Indirect Consumer Sales Development defined strategically alignment with regional consumer Market Units the Sales Asset/Capabilities. Implemented new IT platforms, cut operational costs by M$50.

    EMEA Sales Development to optimize the link between the categories and sales with special focus on complicated development in emerging markets. Brought discount budgets down by 5%.

    International Sales Europe Consumer Sales & Category to secure business in former Soviet republics and all East European countries, Middle East and Africa.

    International Sales Europe South Consumer Business to generate double digit consumer business growth and create distribution via all routes to market. Increased shelf share by 60%. Created from scratch retail channels in South Africa, Israel, Turkey, Greece and the Middle East.

    International Sales Peripherals Product Marketing to market entire Peripherals range and interface with the European Marketing Centre and U.S. divisions. Focus corporate and wholesale channels.

    Handheld Products Europe Future Products Manager to engineer the successful European Launch for the first sub-notebook and a pen-based computers. Also was Palmtop PC Program and Business Development Manager.

    Corporate Planning Economics and Forecasting Analyst to forecast orders and shipments and do ad-hoc corporate driven special studies. Created a system to track levels of local manufacturing content and improved forecasting accuracy to within less than 10% error.
  • Givaudan - Marketing & Market Research

    Argenteuil 1981 - 1986 Market Research to pilot sensory testing for consumer and industrial compounds. Innovated statistical modeling of consumer perception of odour. Won deals with end customers.

    Product Management Division delivered Marketing promotions coordinate industrial advertising, development of sales tools and managed the competitive product information center.


  • Université De Genève (Genève)

    Genève 1976 - 1981 Econometrie
  • University Of Cape Town (Cape Town)

    Cape Town 1973 - 1975 Economics & French Literature



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