


En résumé

My professional career started as a technician methods 13 years ago within the Atmel company which was afterward bought back by the group LFoundry.
This position has allowed me to discover a high-tech field of activity ( semiconductor ) but also to make me discover different jobs and allowed me , after ten years , to reach a position of Production Supervisor .
For two years this position has allowed me to understand the difficulties of ground management and has been for me a revelation on the axis to give to my professional life.
My family life has forced me to leave the company to try expatriate's adventure in Germany for the occupation of my husband.
Settled since 2 years in the Munich area and after having followed an intensive training course of the German language, I have just obtained my Bachelor's degree of Business Management (July 2014)
Planning another 2 years in Germany, I plan to take back a professional activity to maintain my skills.


  • LFoundry Rousset - Production Supervisor

    ROUSSET 2010 - 2012 Ressource and production priority management. In charge of 15 to 30 operators.
    - Productivity improvement
    - Non conformity reduction
    - Absenteeism reduction
  • Atmel - Lean Manufacturing technician

    Rousset 2000 - 2010 Analysis of production systems and improving system efficiency.
    Implementation and monitoring of production indicators and industrial settings.
    Review of ergonomic workstation in production area.
    Quality/reduction of non-conformity : root cause analysis and implementation of corrective actions


  • IAE

    Caen 2013 - 2014 Licence Management des entreprises

    Mention Assez-bien.
    Gestion financière.

  • IUT Nouvelle France

    Paris 1997 - 1999 DUT- Organisation et Gestion de Production


Annuaire des membres :