
Guillaume ROUAUD


En résumé

 Expertise in natural gas
• Good knowledge of the French gas value chain
• In depth technical knowledge

 Expertise in Indirect Sales
• Proven ability to mobilize and coordinate a network of partners
• Strong experience in development and execution of specific and technical training
• Successful background in development and monitoring of national framework agreements

 Experienced in Project Management
• Successful track record in development, implementation and monitoring of projects
• Strong history of creating internal and external synergies necessary for their completion

 Excellent relationship building and communication ability
• Passion for teamwork
• Capacity to produce persuasive presentations and action plans (internal and external)

Mes compétences :
Développement commercial
Grande distribution
Business development
Gaz naturel


  • Eni gaz & power France SA - Manager of Indirect Sales for corporates

    2011 - maintenant • Developed a network of sales agency
    • Defined margin level & remuneration scheme strategy
    • Advised of agency to develop their business (business model, staffing, finance, legal…)
    • Management of 3 area managers
    • Results 2013:
    • Portfolio of gas sales: Revenue of 125 M€/year for 8000 POD (2,5TWh)
    • New acquisition and renewal of 70 M€/year for an average of 3 years
    • 100 sales people in 12 agencies
  • Altergaz - B2B Indirect Sales manager

    2010 - 2011 • Conducted an Audit with existing partners and defined of an efficient business model to develop sales of gas to small business, Condominiums, SME & regional multisite
    • Designed marketing tools (proposal management, pricing, prospection management…) and media specific technical training to improve sales efficiency
    • Developed frameworks Agreements with group purchasing (national and regional level)
  • Altergaz - Indirect channel sales

    2009 - 2010 • Participated to the implementation of the Indirect Channel Sales strategy in consumer market
    • Recruited, trained and strengthened the relationship with the partners
    • Results:
    • 45,000 domestic customers of acquisition
    • 10 M€/year of revenue for small business
  • Altergaz - Retail market sales

    2008 - 2009 • Motivated and developed networks of plumbers (PROXITHERM, AXENERGIE)
    • Developed sales of gas within the major supermarket chains stores (CASINO, CASTORAMA)


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :