
Jean-Michel GAULIER


En résumé

Dr Jean-michel Gaulier, 50 years old, PharmD (Institute of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences, University of Lyon), Ph D in Analytical Chemistry (University of Lyon), Head of the Biological and ForensicToxicological Unit, University Hospital of Limoges from 1998 to 2015, in charge of the ForensicToxicological Unit, University Hospital of Lile since 2015, Expert in pharmacology and toxicology to the Court of Appeal of Limoges ; over 70 publications in Journals indexed in the “Science Citation Index” - 7 book chapters ; Member of The International Association of ForensicToxicologists and of the Society of Hair Testing.


  • CHRU de Lille - Toxicologist

    Lille 2015 - maintenant - Forensic toxicology (post-mortem analysis, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, drug-facilitated crime, hair analysis, ...)
    - Forensic chemistry (analysis of illegal substances, ...)
  • CHU de Limoges - Toxicologist

    Limoges 1998 - 2015 - Forensic toxicology (post-mortem analysis, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, drug-facilitated crime, hair analysis, ...)
    - Forensic chemistry (analysis of illegal substances, ...)


Pas de formation renseignée


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