


En résumé

- PhD, Sedimentary and structural Geology.
- Head of the Petroleum Geology Major of the Master in Geosciences (Institut Polytechnique LaSalle-Beauvais).

- Research: sedimentary and structural development of sedimentary basins in active margin settings - relationships between deformation, dynamics of sedimentary systems and stratigraphic architecture.

- Member of the "Association des Sédimentologistes Français" (ASF).

Mes compétences :
Structural analysis


  • Institut Polytechnique LaSalle-Beauvais - Associate Professor Sedimentary Geology and Basin Analysis

    BEAUVAIS cedex 2006 - maintenant - Head of the Petroleum Geology major of the master in Geosciences (2007-present).
    - Head of the 4th year in Geosciences (2007-2010).

    - Research: sedimentary and structural development of sedimentary basins in active margin settings - relationships between deformation, dynamics of sedimentary systems and stratigraphic architecture.

    - Publications:

    Julien Bailleul, Cécile Robin, Frank Chanier, François Guillocheau, Brad Field, and Jacky Ferrière (2007) ; Turbidite systems in the inner forearc domain of the Hikurangi convergent margin (New Zealand): new constraints on the development of trench-slope basins; Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 77, no. 4, p. 263-283.

    Aurélien Lacoste, Lies Loncke, Frank Chanier, Julien Bailleul, Bruno C Vendeville, and Geoffroy Mahieux (2009) ; Morphology and structure of a landslide complex in an active margin setting: The Waitawhiti complex, North Island, New Zealand; Geomorphology, v. 109, Issues 3-4, p. 184-196.

    - Lectures in facies sedimentology, sedimentary basins, sequence stratigraphy, ocean and atmosphere dynamics, seismic stratigraphy, case studies in petroleum geology.

    - Field trainings in geological mapping, basics of structural analysis, sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy.

    - Supervision of 1) student research projects (BSc) and student applied research projects (MSc), 2) student firm internships in the oil industry, 3) PhD Thesis.

    - Representative at the academic board of the Geosciences department (2006-2010).
    - Representative at the administrative board of the Earth Sciences department (2006-present).
  • Ecole des Mines de Paris / TOTAL E&P Pau - Research Engineer

    2005 - 2006 - Facies analysis and architectural elements within a fluvio-estuarine sedimentary system: the lower Cretaceous bituminous sandstones of the Mac Murray Formation, Alberta (Canada).

    - Supervision on field of student firm internships in the oil industry (MSc)
  • Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille 1 - Lecturer

    2004 - 2005 - Lectures and tutotials in geodynamics and metamorphism.

    - Supervision of student research projects (MSc).

    - Representative at the academic board of the Earth Sciences department.
    - Representative at the administrative board of the Earth Sciences department.
  • Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille 1 - Assistant lecturer

    2001 - 2004 - Tutorials in geology, geological mapping, petrography, paleontology and methodology in earth sciences.

    - Representative at the academic board of the Earth Sciences department.
    - Representative at the administrative board of the Earth Sciences department.



Annuaire des membres :