


En résumé

Along with her scientific expertise as State Research Engineer in Agronomy (MSc Forestry), her field of authority ranges from the development of integrated carbon footprinting tools for awareness-raising campaigns among consumers and end customers, to supporting businesses in implementing climate friendly strategies through the measurement, management and reduction of their carbon footprint.


  • myclimate Deutschland gGmbH // Foundation myclimate - Project Manager Consulting & Solutions

    2019 - maintenant Consulting on climate issues:
    Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
    Product Carbon Footprint Assessment (PCF)
    Corporate Carbon Footprint Assessment (CCF)
    Science Based Targets (SBT)
    Quality Assurance
    CDP, GRI

    The non-profit foundation myclimate - The Climate Protection Partnership is an international climate protection organisation with Swiss roots.
    myclimate promotes the gathering of knowledge about CO2 reduction, raises awareness and inspires long-term climate protection. The foundation also draws upon various management tools, such as CO2 balance sheets, CO2 reporting or a performance-management tool, to provide an optimal basis for decision-making in businesses. In addition, myclimate promotes carbon neutrality via the principle of voluntary CO2 offsetting.
  • KlimAktiv gemeinnützige Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Klimaschutzes - Project Manager Carbon Footprint

    2010 - 2017 Along with her scientific expertise, she worked as Project Manager for Carbon Footprint at KlimAktiv located in Tübingen, a non-profit organisation dedicated to promote climate protection and supported by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) as well as accredited observer under the UNFCCC.
    Her field of authority ranges from the development of integrated carbon footprinting tools for awareness-raising campaigns among consumers and end customers, to supporting businesses and organisations in implementing climate friendly strategies through the measurement, management and reduction of their corporate carbon footprint or the carbon footprint of their products and services.
  • Bund für Umwelt und Natur Deutschland (BUND), Regionalverband Neckar-Alb - Assistante de Projet en conseil environnemental / Projektassistentin

    2010 - 2010 Bereich Natur und Umweltschutz
  • Université Tübingen, Zentrum für Angewandte Geowissenschaften (ZAG) - EU-Project: Personnel scientifique en magnétisme environnemental / Wiss. Angestellte

    2000 - 2003
  • IPG - Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Dpt des Etudes Spatiales - Webmaster

    2000 - 2000
  • INRA - UMR BIOGECO - Equipe Génétique - Stagiaire scientifique puis ingénieur de recherche (CDD) / Wiss. Angestellte

    1999 - 1999



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