


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Team Management - Business Strategy & Development


  • Sabena Technics - Sales Manager

    Paris 2013 - maintenant Sabena Technics is a leading independent MRO provider of services to civil and military aircraft operators.

    My missions :

     Managing a portfolio of current/prospective customers within the Africa & South of Europe for aircraft maintenance solutions (Components & Integrated Servicesfor more than 50 countries)

     In charge of Components Services :
    ==> Test, Repair & Overhaul.

     In charge of Integrated Services :
    ==> Pool Access
    ==> PBH Programs for aircraft spare parts solution,
    ==> Line Maintenance,
    ==> CAMO (Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation)

     Provide highly customized aircraft maintenance solutions to each airline & MRO of my portfolio around my area, for regional, narrow and wide body aircraft
     Accountable for the redaction and negotiation of commercial contracts (Current contracts & negociation of new contracts of maintenance support within the area)
     Leading the Marketing Strategy within the region
     Provide each customer a complete technical knowledge and experience, and offer advice and recommendations for maintenance services and pratices that will benefit the individual flight operations
     Leading team projects until successful closure of the sales project
     Coordinate actions betweens the customers of my portfolio & repair shops.
  • ATR Aircraft -- EADS & Alenia - Project Manager Junior Service Bulletin -- Internship

    2011 - 2012  Service Bulletin Project Management :

    ==> Development of Service Bulletins (SB) catalogue for “Retrofit Solution of in flight issues” with the objective of launching a dedicated SB Sales Campaign
    ==> Management of the Sales Campaign after analysis of 111 SB, 600 aircrafts operated by 68 airlines.
    ==> Coordination of the Marketing and Sales actions of the SB Sales Campaign for the ATR Toulouse Head Quarter and ATR Satellites Centres. (Toulouse, Singapour, Washington & Bangalore)
    ==> Development of Marketing Supports for the ATR Retrofit Solutions;

     Area manager :

    ==> Management of the ATR SBs customers’ accounts for Africa and Middle East,
    ==> Issuing Commercial proposal after aircraft configuration analysis
    ==> Follow up of the portfolio.
    ==> Administration of the customer purchase order up to the invoicing process.
  • BNP Paribas - Gestion des risques.

    Paris 2010 - 2010 Sales Representative / Customer Support : Portfolio of 150 customer / week.

    Analysis, research and negociation with customers before account transaction. (Management & Risk analysis )

    Management of the relationship between BNP Sales Outlet & Risk Analysis department
  • ACCEDE Provence Entrepreneurs - Responsable Euro-Méditerranéen

    2009 - 2011 ACCEDE Provence Entrepreneurs is an association of KEDGE Business School. Its goal is to help entrepreneurs and students start their own businesses

    During this period, I was in charge of increasing the association awareness in the entire Euro Mediterranean periphery, helping students, job seekers and young entrepreneurs to develop business plans. One of our main purpose was also to make them participate in the contest "Le Phare", the 1st euromediterranean start-up contest.

    My actions:

    ==>Present our association to Euro-Mediterranean schools Establish a communication plan in several countries.
    ==>Research, negotiate and sign partnerships and agreements with 4 business schools in Euro Mediterranean and an airline based in Morocco.
    ==>Give full support to students from Euro-Mediterranean countries in developing their business plans.
    ==>Organization of the first Euro-Mediterranean contest business start-up "LE PHARE". Financial allocation in 2011 was more than € 25,000.


  • International College Suzhou Research Institute, Renmin University Of China, Suzhou, Shanghai (Suzhou)

    Suzhou 2012 - 2013 International Brand Management & Chinese Culture
  • Ecole Supérieure De Commerce (Marseille)

    Marseille 2009 - 2012 Master Of Science In Management

    Programme Grande Ecole
  • Université Nancy 2

    Nancy 2007 - 2009 Techniques de commercialisation


Annuaire des membres :