
Pascale MARIIS


En résumé

Une expérience commerciale des affaires en B to B dans le domaine du raccordement optique et des composants électromécaniques complétée par une expérience de marketing produit, alternativement au sein d'un grand groupe ou de PME, fabricant ou distributeur.
Secteurs industrie et télécommunications. Environnement international.

Mes compétences :
Raccordement réseau fibre optique


  • LINKS - Technical writer

    Paris 2013 - maintenant I support companies by writing data sheet, product specifications, pages of catalogues, user manuals .... in the domain of network connexion, especially optical fiber - including any usefull material and tools starting from the cable installation and connexion to the testing operations.
    I agree with non disclosure
  • TELENCO DISTRIBUTION - Product Line Manager

    MOIRANS 2008 - 2011 Product management of connexion accessories and test equipment for installation of optical telecom networks. Technical support for sales teams (France and Export). Relationship with suppliers.
  • SONG CHUAN France - Sales manager

    2004 - 2007 Trade of electromecanical relays manufactured in China
    Alone as a salesperson responsible for French business and to manage the French sales office with help of one assistant
    Reporting to the european team (European headquarter and logistic centre in Germany)
  • CORNING CABLE SYSTEMS - Product Line Manager

    2000 - 2003 Product line management of optical test equipment in European team
    Sales support
    Interface with the supplier based in USA
  • RXS groupe SIEMENS - Product Line Manager

    1997 - 2000 RXS was 100% subsidiary of SIEMENS in charge of production and trade of cables und accessories. (Private networks and public networks)
    Product Line Manager in France for optical fibre splicing and test equipment:
    * Technical support to sales team for this product range
    * Organisation of customers trainings and seminaries
    * Management of the French repair center. Follow-up of the software upgrade
    * Sales promotion
    * Interface with R&D
  • SIEMENS SAS France - Product Line Manager

    Saint-Denis 1991 - 1997 For optical splicing machines
    Being simultaneously responsible for commercial and product management in France during the early market adoption for optical fibre networks.
  • SIEMENS SA France - Sales Engineer

    1984 - 1991 Inside the department "electromecanical components", responsible for 1/3 of the distributors
  • SIEMENS SA France - Business Administrator

    1979 - 1984 Booking and follow up of the customers' orders in the department 'electromecanical components"


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :