


En résumé

Plus de 20 années dans la Communication, le Marketing et le Community Management : événementiel, publicité (TV, radio, web), marketing PME, marketing digital, réseaux sociaux, management d'équipe, animation de communautés digitales...

Actuellement Community Manager pour le secteur Distribution d'IBM au niveau mondial.

Basée à Roanne (42, Loire).

☒ Twitter: @terrosipascale
☒ LinkedIn :

✰ Mes forces : communication, marketing, gestion de projet, événementiel, relationnel, réseaux sociaux,... Enthousiaste, sait déplacer des montagnes !

✿ Passionnée d'équitation

★ Citation : Trouve un métier qui te plaît et tu ne travailleras pas un seul jour de ta vie (Conficius)

Mes compétences :
Stratégie digitale
Réseaux sociaux


  • IBM Corporation - Community manager, Global Distribution sector, IBM Corp.

    Bois-Colombes 2014 - maintenant From May 19, 2014: Community Manager, Global Distribution sector, IBM Corp.

    2012 - May 2014: Mid Market marketing, IBM France
    ✓ Coordination of all campaigns targeting Mid Market (companies < 1000 employees)

    2011: Sales communications, IBM France
    ✓ Creation of a monthly newsletter (audience: ~4000 sales)
    ✓ Coordination of IBM programs towards CMOs.

    2004 - 2010: Internal communications, IBM France
    ✓ Internal comms + customer references and success stories
    ✓ In charge of Bois-Colombes communications program (move of IBM HQ in October 2009, 4000 people)

    2002 - 2004: Marketing Events Manager, IBM France
    ✓ Management of a team of 21 IBM people and 8 Event agencies
    ✓ Responsible for Marketing Events targeting LOB & IT clients, BPs and internal audience, including VIP events, sports sponsorships (Roland-Garros, Stade de France), internal kick-off meetings...
    ✓ Created and successfully launched the IBM Golf Trophy in 2003. Renewed in 2004
    ✓ Launched “Vis ma Vie”, a new program to help Marketing support Sales
    ✓ From January 2004: also Manager of IBM Forum Centers West region (Paris et Bruxelles).

    2001 - 2002: Integrated Marketing Manager, IBM France
    ✓ Coordinated all 'Marcom' disciplines (internal comms, direct marketing, interactive, events,...)

    1999 - 2000: Advertising Manager, IBM France
    ✓ Managed advertising for TV, radio, press, web (local adaptation, media plan, launch), with a yearly 12M€ budget with Ogilvy
    ✓ Managed quantitative and qualitative researchs on campaigns

    1997 - 1998: Advertising Manager, IBM Europe
    ✓ Created and coordinated Corporate advertising campaign in 15 countries (TV, radio, press, web), coordinated a network of 15 advertising managers thoughout Europe

    1995 - 1997: Internal & external communications Manager, CGI Informatique (IBM subsidiary)
    ✓ Team manager
    ✓ Created an international quarterly internal magazine, 5 languages, 25.000 copies
    ✓ Developed a local monthly internal newsletter, 2.000 copies
    ✓ Lanched a new international advertising campaign in 12 countries.


  • Ecole Des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC) (Jouy En Josas)

    Jouy En Josas 1991 - 1994 HEC 1994


Annuaire des membres :