
Sébastien JOURDAN


En résumé

I am looking for a job or missions as consultant. I am a geologist, skilled in the field of general geology, source-provenance analysis, structural geology and with some knowledge in petroleum geology. I am immediately available all around the world.


  • Consortium GeoFracNet - Assistant chercheur

    maintenant - Étude de la fracturation d’un analogue de réservoir carbonaté profond :
    Calcaire à Alvéoline de Baga (Pyrénées espagnoles)
    - Interprétation de données issues de MEB et spectrométrie X
  • Dama Engineering - Consulting

    2012 - 2013 2012 Consulting for Dama Engineering (Turkey)

    - Field exploration and structural geology analysis for an antimony mine.
    I identified, from field observation and geophysical data, and proved, through argument analysis on a report, that the structural geology of the mine is a positive flower structure fault. On the basis of this structural analysis, a new target zone for exploration was identified and the processes of mineralization are better understood.
  • Université de Grenoble - Chercheur doctorant

    2008 - maintenant « Multidisciplinary approach to reconstruct the Oligocene-Miocene morphologic and exhumational evolution of the Western Alps »
    Under the direction of Matthias Bernet and Pierre Tricart

    - Multidisciplinary provenance analysis of foreland basin sediment for reconstructing the Oligocene-Miocene morphologic and exhumational evolution of the western Alps.
    The subject of my research consisted of identifying the provenance of sediments in the Alpine foreland basins, both on the Italian and French side, in order to deduce the evolution of the mountain belt and its drainage systems. To identify the provenance I used sediment petrology, fission-track (FT) analysis of detrital zircon and apatite, U/Pb dating on detrial zircon, FT- U/Pb double dating on single zircon grains, and Raman spectrometry on serpentinite grains and pebbles.
  • Total oil & marine, Aberdeen - Assistant chercheur

    2008 - 2008 2008 Six months internship with Total Oil & Marine Research, Aberdeen, UK

    - Development of a method using a Multi-Point Statistics algorithm. Multi-Point statistic is a geo-statistical method for reservoir modeling.
    In order to improve the petroleum production in reservoirs, the petroleum industry implements 3D geological models. These models are used for modeling petroleum production and water injection. The Multi-Point Statistics is a recent method of 3D geo-modeling which respects hard data (field and well data), soft data (geophysical data) and which are geologically realistic. I improved the efficiency of the use of the Multi-Point Statistics algorithm.



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