


En résumé

French student in engineering school actively looking for a final 6 month-internship from March 2017 in the field of materials and mechanical engineering in the aerospace industry.
I would like to pursue my curriculum with a master degree in management in France or abroad after my engineering graduation to be confortable in both technical and human skills.

Mes compétences :
Gestion de projet
Calcul de structure
Conception mécanique
Microsoft Excel
Adobe Photoshop
Part Design
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Office
Assembly Design
Airbus A350 Aircraft


  • Duqueine Composites - Assistant Quality Engineer - Aerospace Composite Materials Health Control for Airbus (NDT)

    2016 - 2016 - Ultrasonic inspection documents understanding.
    - Ultrasonic inspection documents of non-conforming parts sorting.
    - Discussions with the Quality Department team
    - NDT defect types sorting and synthsizing.
    - Defect types prioritising.
    - Discussions leading with Airbus in order to decide on possibilities of tolerance evolutions.
  • AGH University of Science and Technology - Research Intern

    2015 - 2015 Complexe and Noble metals synthesis and characterization by electro-catalysis for hydrogen production. Researches for the best catalytic properties.
    - Copper samples making
    - Solutions of Cobalt and Molybdenum mixing in order to create an electrolyte
    - Electro-catalysis to fix the alloy of Co-Mo on the sample
    - Measurements of the samples before and after electro-catalysis
    - Addition of Selenium on the Co-Mo coating
    - Comparison of the catalytic properties of the samples
  • HTA Production - Communication Officer

    2015 - 2015 HTA Production is an innovative Start-up in the renewable energy industry, and more particularly in the field of concentrated solar power.
    Participation in different communication medias such as video making, and graphics for the company.
  • Dassault Aviation - Stagiaire en Conception Mécanique

    Saint-Cloud 2014 - 2015 * Re-conception CAO de pièces de Dassault Rafale en vue d'une évolution de procédé de
    fabrication vers la fabrication additive métallique. Déplacements en usine d'assemblage de tronçons d'avions. Rencontre avec le sous-traitant.
    * Compétences acquises : Maîtrise des modules « Part Design », « Assembly Design » et « Wireframe & Surface » sous CATIA V5, respect d'un planning.


  • Université de Sherbrooke (Sherbrooke)

    Sherbrooke 2016 - maintenant Microprogramme de 1er cycle en sciences appliquées

    Management de projets, des ressources humaines et de la qualité. Procédés de mise en forme des matériaux.
  • Ecole Polytechnique De L'Université Grenoble Alpes

    Grenoble 2014 - maintenant Ingénieur Matériaux

    * Spécialité Matériaux : Physico-chimie, élaboration, mise en forme, caractéristiques des
    matériaux. CAO, gestion de projet, management de la qualité, bases en marketing.
  • Université Lyon 1

    Villeurbanne 2012 - 2014 DUT Génie Mécanique et Productique

    * Gestion de la production, management de projets, CAO, management de la qualité, science des matériaux, des structures et des fluides.
  • Lycée Blaise Pascal (Charbonnières Les Bains)

    Charbonnières Les Bains 2009 - 2012 Baccalauréat Scientifique

    Baccalauréat scientifique spé. Physique-Chimie, Mention Bien


Annuaire des membres :