


En résumé

Mes compétences :
financial statements
upper management
manage all financial issues
SAP IS Oil & Gas
Profit and Loss Accounts
Microsoft Office
Mergers & Acquisitions
Managed the work
International Financial Reporting
Fixed Assets
Financial Report Writing
Financial Control
External Audit
Corporate Finance
Compliance Audit
Cash Flows
Balance Sheet


  • Vallourec Group - Financial controller

    Boulogne-Billancourt 2012 - maintenant Oil & Gas at Vallourec Group (CAC 40 listed company), Paris. France
    Recruited by the CFO of Oil & Gas division of Vallourec, I am in charge of foreign entities to manage all financial issues.
    I have also a corporate function for services part and costs controlling for R&D and SG&A costs. My main missions are:

    * Implemented for the small foreign entities effective financial controls and accountings reports ;
    * Ensured that the accounting is compliant with the group standards and IFRS GAAP ;
    * Led the preparation of monthly reports, yearly forecasts, and business plan for 5 years. Main entities: Plants in Nigeria
    and China, commercial entities in Russia, Angola, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Egypt
    * Led Cost controlling for all the entities of Oil & Gas division: prepared reports and comments for the Group
    management, defined savings plans for the entities
    * Performed Controlling of R&D costs with the management and follow up of main projects on R&D ;
    * Contributed key ideas and participated in high profile projects which led to main acquisitions of the division
  • KPMG SA - Financial Auditor

    Courbevoie 2008 - 2012 Audit experience as senior II
    * Performed compliance audits for French / American listed companies (Veolia, Vinci, La Poste...), tested operational
    controls, developed audit programs and reviewed junior auditors tests
    * Led the evaluation of the effectiveness of internal control policies and led SOX readiness audits ;
    * Conducted the Audit of consolidated financial statements for listed companies in France ;
    * Conducted the Audit of financial statements (P&L, Balance sheet, Cash flow statement, business plan and impairment
    * Prepared audit reports and certifications ;
    * Developed positive relationship with upper management by identifying improvements in processes and accounting ;
    * Managed and planned the work of junior auditors, providing mentoring and coaching (3 weeks per year of coaching) ;
    * Received high ``exceeded expectations'' rating for annual performance reviews

    Advisory for Louvre Hotels Group
    * Led workshops to identify financial issues in accounting and consolidation ;
    * Managed the work on intercompany flows with the mother company ;
    * Conducted the implementation of cash pooling with all foreign entities (France, Spain, Germany, Italy...) ;
    * Analyzed acquisitions of fixed assets and hotels ;
    * Designed and implemented Magnitude software to simplify and automate complex processes
  • ADEXI ETOILE - Auditeur junior

    2007 - maintenant Auditeur junior chez ADEXI Etoile a Paris
    Missions d'audit et d'expertise pour les CE et les mutuelles en France.
    Missions lors du stage
    - travail en équipe et contact avec les clients
    - missions d'expertise au sein des mutuelles de France
    - audit des CE et présentation des comptes devant les élus
  • KENZO - Vente

    Paris 2006 - maintenant Stage opérationnel chez Kenzo aux galeries Lafayette
    Les points positifs du stage:
    - travail en groupe
    - acceuil d'une clientèle internationale et pratique de plusieurs langues.
    - comptabilité et gestion des stocks
    - initiation au merchandising


  • University Of Surrey

    Guildford 2008 - 2008 Summer Session Finance and SAP training
  • Reims Business School

    Reims 2005 - 2008 Master

    : Financial Statement Analysis, Corporate Finance, Macroeconomics, Financial Investments
  • Lycée Faidherbe

    Lille 2003 - 2005 (Undergraduate school), Lille. France Two-year intensive program in Advanced Mathematics and Economics in preparation for the nationwide competitive
    examination to the French Grandes Ecoles
    Reading, cinema, theatre, dance / Sports: Zumba, running / World Traveller & humanitarian actions
    Member of the alumni association of Reims Management Sc
  • Lycée Faidherbe

    Lille 2003 - 2005 HEC
  • Lycée Paul Valery LPV

    Meknes 1999 - 2003 scientifique option mathématiques
Annuaire des membres :