


En résumé

I've been for the past 4 years an expert in South Mediterranean Foreign Direct Investments for EU and Internet business in general. My actual mainstream is on innovation, business intelligence and virtual human networks and my position as a President of Association des Amis d'Adminetis a very relational one in the little French Internet world. I was before in the wood and furniture sector and I've been working for the past 15 years in the Internet field, mainly as a webmaster.

Being a telecom specialist since 1992 and a professional webmaster for the past 8 years, my current fields of interest have been evolving more and more to business intelligence even though I’m not a specialist of this matter. My real background being rather the one of a social scientist, a professional journalist and a kind of a state civil servant.

I’ve been consulting for various "more than 100 000 visitors" portals for the past 10 years ( , , , mainly, being before a little consultant for big companies (Cap Gemini,Alcatel, Elf...), and, last but not least, practicing nearly every duty a webmaster could be in charge for in a start up or a public administration, like coding in HTML, JavaScript or PHP, meeting or training all the people of the company, promoting over the net and the media, managing more than 10 sites at the same time, designing and relooking, leading the technical/virtual team, ....

E-Training as also been a long term subject of interest, since I develop in 1996 one of the first virtual training system in France. I’ve been very found of this activity and it would be a real pleasure to do it again.

Before that, I've been a professional journalist for 6 years and a journalism/multimedia teacher/trainer (GRETA, UTT,...) for 5 years. I've been also very involved in the early 90 in Social Sciences, Social work and Scientific a co founder of "Sciences Humaines" and student activist.

Mes compétences :
Intelligence économique
Investissements internationaux


  • Association des amis d'Adminet - Président

    2006 - maintenant Présence plus ou moins symbolique dans 40 pays et reprise en main du plus vieux site Web de l'administration Française(janvier 1995) pour en faire une pépiniére de projet autour du théme de la société de la connaissance....
  • AFII - Internet/Business Intelligence

    2003 - 2006 Webmaster en charge également de l'intelligence économique, de l'axe Médintelligence (réseau des acteurs de l'innovation en Méditerranée) et de l'administration système.
    I've been working for the past 4 years for this InvestinFrance/EU MEDA project, being in charge of all the Internet stuff, from the website, the business intelligence system, the database to the training of the network and the innovation policy.
  • Adminet - Deputy Manager

    1999 - 2006 J'ai aidé au développement de ce très vieux site WEB, principalement entre 1997 et 2003, m'occupant particuliérement du lancement de nouveaux services, des traductions, du management de l'équipe virtuelle, du référencement et de la "police politique" (participation aux campagnes d'Alain Lipietz ou de l'Icann,....). J'ai été le N°2 d'Adminet jusqu'en août 2006, depuis je fais partie du courant réformateur.
  • Centre Technique du Bois et de l'Ameublement - Responsable internet

    1998 - 2001 When I start this position, there was a 400 visitors website, when I finished it 3 year after, we had 25 000 folks a month. At the beginning we were 10 people using Internet in the company, at the end we were 300....We had only one website, at the end we had 15 differents websites.... I also manage a "Centres Techniques et Industriel" virtual webmasters network manager, a Webdesbois organisation and then suddently Netbois appeared
  • Universite de Technologie de Troyes - Enseignant

    1996 - 1998 I've been teaching for 2 years Media, & media criticism, journalism, writing skills and last but not least, internet in what was one of the first French E-Learning experience, JT007.
  • Journal du Téléphone et du Mulimédia - Journalist

    1992 - 1995 I've been writing 3 papers every month for this magazine, mainly on the social impact of telecommunication in France but also around the world, the beginning of data exchange and Internet, mobiles.......... Many interviews including Thierry Breton, Bill Clinton Internet advisor, Edgar Morin, Marc Guillaume,...
  • Sciences Humaines - Cofondateur/Journaliste

    1989 - 1991



Annuaire des membres :