

Bois-Colombes Cedex

En résumé

Graduate from AgroParisTech in 2007 - IT speciality. Successively application developer, Open Source IT Specialist and SOA IT Specialist, I'm now an IT Specialist working for IBM on Cloud Computing projects.
I'm interested in innovative technologies such as SOA, Grid, Virtualization or Cloud Computing.

Specialties: IBM Software, JEE, Open Source, Free Software, SOA, KVM / VMware Virtualization, Cloud Computing


  • IBM Global Services - Cloud IT Specialist

    Bois-Colombes Cedex 2011 - maintenant Technical leadership in building production private Clouds, from establishing architecture and specifications to actually building it.

    I've been working on IBM projects for clients such as a large bank, a SaaS provider, a research facility or a retail group.

    I also write articles on ThoughtsOnCloud, a blog dedicated to Cloud:
  • IBM Global Services - SOA Infrastructure IT Specialist

    Bois-Colombes Cedex 2008 - 2011 Developed a technical expertise in Service Oriented distributed systems :
    - SOA middleware (WebSphere Application Server) administration
    - migration projects from older versions to newer, better supported ones of those middleware (WebSphere Application Server / WebSphere Portal)
    - industrialisation and standardisation of installation processes (some would call it a first step toward Cloud, my next job role)
  • Capgemini - Junior IT Consultant

    SURESNES 2008 - 2008 A very rich experience of code writing on a project for a telecommunication company looking for a new, more reliable, billing system.

    On the road I learned a thing or two on
    - technical specifications writing
    - how to work well with an outsourced development team (India)
    - code writing (Java / JEE, Bash, sed and awk mostly) and code management
  • Agro-Service Etudes Junior Entreprise - IT Director

    2006 - 2006 - Creation and management of the IT departement of ASE, the Junior Entreprise of AgroParisTech (projects and people managment),
    - Setup and customization of a CRM solution based on Microsoft CRM 3.0,
    - Creation of an Extranet collaboration portal based on SharePoint Portal Server,
    - Organization of training sessions during two Junior Entreprises' congresses
  • IBM Global Services - Apprentice IT Specialist Linux & Grid

    Bois-Colombes Cedex 2006 - 2007 Member of the French Open Source core team:
    - development of the IBM Open Source offering in serveral areas such as
    . - aplication servers (Geronimo / WAS CE, JBoss, Glassfish...),
    . - virtualization (Xen, kvm, ...),
    . - messaging (Cyrus / Postfix, Zimbra, ..),
    - delivery of an Open Source Desktop-opportunities study (~1.000 desktops) :, Firefox, Linux Desktop, Linux Servers (in remplacement of a complex AD environment).


  • Institut National Agronomique De Paris Grignon

    Paris 2004 - 2007 Diplôme d'Agronomie Approfondie - spécialité MISI (Informatique)

    AgroParisTech has been founded on January 1st 2007 by the three following Graduate Institutes in Science and Engineering:
    . - INA P-G - Institut National Agronomique Paris-Grignon
    . - ENGREF – Ecole Nationale du Génie Rural, des Eaux et des Forêts
    . - ENSIA – Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Industries Agricoles et Alimentaires


Annuaire des membres :