


En résumé

L'administration de systeme est un metier de service personalise.
Notre role est d'etre a l'ecoute et d'anticiper les besoins les plus divers et varies.
Il est necessaire d'etre pluridiciplinaire et de suivre en permanence l'evolution de la technologie.
C'est ce que j'ai pu constater en 10 ans de gestion de labs pour 200 ingenieurs de 40 nationalites et plus de 1300 systemes et reseaux de different constructeurs pour un centre de recherches francais de Sun Microsystems / Oracle.
Travailler dans un tel environement vous permet quotidienement de mettre a jour vos competences dans des domaines varies et vous donne de grandes oportunitee de travailler dans de grand projets et de rencontrer des personnes tres interessantes.

Mes compétences :
Microsoft Windows Server
Java EE
Gestion de projet
Microsoft Windows
Korn Shell


  • Oracle - Principal System Administrator

    Colombes 2010 - maintenant I have joined Oracle from the acquisition of Sun. I work for Product Development IT (PDIT)
    Since 1997, I managed the systems and networks of the labs of Grenoble Engineering Center in the french Alps.
    My role is to provide resources and support for the software development and quality engineer teams.
    In this job, you need know how to listen people problems to provide the best help.
  • Sun Microsystems - Senior System Administrator

    Santa Clara 1997 - 2010 Working as system administrator in a research center of a big
    company like Sun is definitively different from standard IT job.
    You are involved in many project and have to maintain skils in
    multiple domains to be able to understand people needs and
    problems but also to discuss with various teams.
    Project and teams change regularily, you have to maintain a global
    supervision over teams, labs mangement, space alocation, server
    availability, and network planification and management
    You have to work with a lot of heterogeneous systems and software.
  • Electronic Data Transfer - System Administrator

    1993 - 1997 Working in small startup can give you opportunities to get skills in a lot of different domains.
    The company was involved in a lot of electronic data interchange projects between its customers and their partners.
    It provide a lot of data interchange product and support, from basic e-mail services hosting over lot of low level protocols, operate gateway between heterogeneous e-mail for customers, but also desing and operate complex EDI protocols for big companies.
    Part of my jobs was also to be consultant or architect to help customer to build their infrastructure, but also to develop specific products.
    It was an interesting part of my career.
  • France Telecom - Software developper

    Paris 1992 - 1992 Full time but six month limited job in a company to validate university program.
    Software developpement to create a orthogonal schema generator based on a telecom infrastructure oracle db, product re-used in other governemental company such EDF and GDF.



Annuaire des membres :