


En résumé

I am very interested in working for a school or a study abroad program as a program coordinator. Although I was born in the United States, I have been living in France for the last twenty five years.  I am fully bilingual in French and English.  I received my undergraduate degree in the field of biology from the University of Paris XI, during which time I had the opportunity to study abroad in Leeds, United Kingdom.  Seeing how helpful and supportive the staff at the International Office of the University of Leeds were to foreign students and understanding, myself, how hard it is to adjust to life in a foreign country, inspired me to pursue a career in an international student environment. 
  After obtaining a Master's degree in international marketing, I found work at the International Office, where I was able to use these skills, and my personal experiences living abroad, to assist foreign students at the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris in understanding the French system (work permit, health care, VISA, transportation, etc.) and in adjusting to life in Paris, France. I continued working with international students with International Studies Abroad, as a student service advisor and on-site coordinator. I really enjoy working in an international environment.
I had then the opportunity to work at Essec Executive Education, a French business school, as a Program Assistant, organizing seminars for Executives which I have been enjoying for the last four years and a half.
 I am responsible, reliable, hard-working and detail oriented, and I also have a willingness to learn. I have excellent administrative/logistical skills, and have the ability to work independently and with limited supervision.


  • American business school - Intern

  • Essec Executive Education - Chargée de programmes Intra-Entreprises

    Paris-La Défense 2008 - maintenant Organisation de formation pour cadres et dirigeants de grandes entreprises. Événementiel, administratif, logistique.
  • International Studies Abroad (ISA) - Assistante de programmes/service aux étudiants

    2006 - 2007 Assistante dans la mise en place et le management des programmes ISA, organisation des évènements culturels et des excursions, assistance aux étudiants pendant leur séjour à Paris
  • ACS Assistance étudiants - Attachée commerciale

    2005 - 2005 Courtier en assurance. Prospection(universités, organismes, écoles de langues..), mise à jour de la base de données, communication, mailing...
  • Cité Internationale universitaire de Paris - Service aux étudiants

    Paris 2003 - 2004 Accueil physique et à distance des étudiants étrangers et aide dans les démarches administratives (titre de séjour, autorisation de travail, aides au logement, sécurité sociale..)orientation vers les services adéquates, procédure de candidature pour le logement, mailing, statistiques, étude qualitative...



Annuaire des membres :