
Laurent BEGUE


En résumé

Dernières Publications
Bègue, L, Zaalberg, A., Shankland, R., Duke*, A, Jacquet, J., Kaliman, P., Pennel, L., Chanove, M., Arvers, P., & Bushman, B.J. (2018). Omega-3 supplements reduce self-reported physical aggression in healthy adults. Psychiatry Research, 261, 307-311. (IF = 2.52 ; Scimago 2017 : Q1).
Zerhouni*, O., Bègue, L. Comiran*, F., & Wiers, R. (2018). Controlled and implicit processes in evaluative conditioning on implicit and explicit attitudes toward alcohol and intentions to drink. Addictive Behavior, 76, 335-342.(IF = 2.94 ; Scimago 2017 : Q1).
Lepage*, J., Bègue, L., Zerhouni*,O., Courset, R., & Mermillod, M. (2018). Influence of Authoritarianism, Vagal Tone and Mental Fatigue on Obedience to Authority. Cognition and Emotion, in press. (IF = 2.68 ; Scimago 2017 : Q1).
Lalot, F., Zerhouni*, O, Cantarella, M., Joly, E., Quiamzade, A., Falomir-Picharstor, J.M., Desrichard, O., & Bègue., L. (2017). Validation of French versions of the Need of Uniqueness (NfU) and Self-Attributed Need for Uniqueness (SANU) scales. Journal of Personality Assessment, 13, 1-11. (IF = 2.02 ; Scimago 2017 : Q1).
Bègue, L., Sarda*, E., Gentile, D., Bry, C., & Roché, S. (2017). Video Games Exposure and Sexism in a Representative Sample of Adolescents. Frontiers in Psychology, 8:466. (IF = 2.46 ; Scimago 2017 : Q1).
Bègue, L., Duke*, A., Courbet, D. , & Oberlé D. (2017). Values and Indirect Noncompliance in a Milgram-like paradigm. Social Influence, 12, 29-49. (IF = 1.15 ; Scimago 2017 : Q2).
Bègue, L. (2017). L’alcool favorise-t-il les conduites d’agression physique et verbale entre partenaires intimes ? Perspectives psychologiques. Champ Pénal/Penal Field, vol XIV. DOI : 10.4000/champpenal.9525
Bègue, L. & Boudesseul*, J. (2017). Phenotypic association of alcohol consumption with eye color: a breathanalyzer assessment. Journal of Substance Use, 22, 127-130. (IF = 0.81 ; Scimago 2014 : Q2).
Bouwmeester, S.,Verkoeijen, P., Aczel, B., Barbosa, F. Bègue, L. & al. (2017). Registered Replication Report for Rand, Green, & Nowak (2012). Perspectives on Psychological Science, 12, 527-542 (IF = 7.65 ; Scimago 2016 : Q1).


  • Université de Grenoble - Pr des universités




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